Feedback Community Letter Release 213/14

Discussion in 'Test Server' started by Sunlight, Oct 29, 2018.

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  1. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    This in itself makes me very negative
    example a player who is currently able to farm 5k draken core during dragan will now maybe if he is lucky be able to farm 1250 core for the whole event.
    3 dragan items on t7 alone will cost 1350 draken core
    this excludes items like bloodtooth
    the twin queen adornments boots and many more items
    I will leave the game if I am forced to not be able to use the items I want to use. ( I think many others will do the same if they implement that )
    gbit, Zoltan and Hetsunien like this.
  2. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    I actually misspelled haunt. :rolleyes:
    Don't make me explain the sarcasm... Okay, hints: killed -> haunt, jesters -> good luck on farming draken cores. :D
  3. Hetsunien

    Hetsunien Padavan

    That's truly sad and one MAJOR negative thing about this new release. But on the other hand, we're just assuming things. If only DSO would give us a good percentage of the specific cores we're looking, that would be excellent, e.g. 70% Drop chance of specific cores (Draken, Materi, Tellurian) 10% Augment, 10% Soul, 10% Pristine. But knowing them, and from comments from TS players, this would be only a dream.
    Dirysin, gbit, cdeepal and 1 other person like this.
  4. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    or how about we put a similar situation that we have today and have a separate drop slot for draken and equivalent cores and aug,soul, pristine cores?

    At the very least they should just merge tellurian, materi and draken core and make core farming less cancerous
    Dirysin likes this.
  5. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    This is a great proposal. I hope they will take this into account. If the drop chances of dropping various cores is the same (considering 4 different cores from each boss), then we would end up with having more Pristine, Soul and Augment Cores in our Inventories unusable and the other cores would be scarce.

    However, if the Drop chance for specific cores is higher (not 70% though. I think 50% is the correct amount) and the drop chances for the other cores - Soul, Pristine and Augment are only 16.7% each, that would be a good solution.

    Or even better would be to have a specific boss drop only one kind of core.
  6. So basically they removed all elemental cores to eliminate complexity in crafting but they altered the drop of cores to make it far more tedious and boring... and they also disabled circus on top if that. lmao it's actually funny. Why the hell would we want the other cores to drop in event maps when they can be dropped elsewhere while Draken's are exclusively dropped in event maps... and are also the most demanding core.

    At least if you actually move forward with this dumb change, change all event unique items to require a random core, not just Draken cores.

    I would MUCH rather keep the CURRENT core system... at least I can get each core fast when needed.
    trakilaki likes this.
  7. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    Well... the new core system is a great concept, the problem is the realisation.

    Never should it get to the point where a player has virtually no control over what cores is one getting as drop. It should be more specific. When one needs a specific core type, one should have a specific place to go to and have 100% of dropping the needed core. The last statement could be dropped for pristine, soul and augment cores, since they can be bought for a currency that can be farmed.

    The most urgent thing that has to be done by devs before the update comes live is making every boss drop two core stacks: one specific to the localisation (materi, tellurian or draken) and one random of the three specific to a method.
  8. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    they managed to make core farming even more tedious and boring than before, while pretending to have made farming them much more enjoyable
    Either they are too incompetent that whatever they do they achieve the opposite result instead of the desired result or they are being purposefully EDIT to piss off the players
    That is reasonable and similar to what we have today
    They can have two drop slots for cores, one that'll drop the specific core for the boss, with 100% probability and the other that will drop soul, augment and pristine core with equal probability( each core should have a probability of drop of 33% roughly)

    But, you know, it's a reasonable modification and bp hates reason and logic
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 26, 2018
    Please_enter_a_name likes this.
  9. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    Mailed support, asking if the dev team is aware that the planned core drop system is baaaad
  10. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    Are those your guesses or what?
    In this video, out of 7 runs the guy got draken cores 6 times

  11. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    if thats true then god bless
  12. nikatar

    nikatar Junior Expert

    How can i make an account on the test server?
  13. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    If I had any I would show you videos where you get dragan 5 times in a row in circus too.
    But at the same time if I was able to do that I could show you videos of him not happening in circus 30 times in a row.
    Same went for the solid core thing untill Mortis dropped only solid cores more recently than not.
    So a video where a guy gets draken core 6 times in a row is quite insignificant, added those were selected clips, you do not know how many times he did not get draken core.
    Let me introduce you to the world of needing core
    I bought 3 dark pieces in March of this year.
    Knowing we would be able to farm high amounts of draken from circus is the only reason I did it.
    Now taking a t0 piece to t6 and soon t7/t8 is no easy task.
    Now imagine 3 pieces @ 4050 core needed per piece to t6 and now 4900 draken core needed per piece.
    That excludes crafting of the 3 items and tiering maybe dragan pieces
    Added I also have blood tooth and its t6 now, which I only bought in August.
    I also have a gold base bloodrune weapon T6 in locker ( who knows when I will craft that)
    How many players will have to do more or less the same with their twin queen adornments, dragan ring, kranparus amulet, bloodrune items, witch seeker sets, dragon ash sets, and so the list goes on.
    Yes there is players with 12k draken core, for them its not a problem, but what about all the other players?
    That said I am no lazy player, I grind very very long hours daily, I have crafted and recrafted many items too.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2018
    trakilaki, Bubble, MikeyMetro and 2 others like this.
  14. ItHurtsWhenIP

    ItHurtsWhenIP Forum Apprentice

  15. nikatar

    nikatar Junior Expert

  16. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

  17. ItHurtsWhenIP

    ItHurtsWhenIP Forum Apprentice

    Well, in more details:

    Since its basically a browsergame as it was back then the link I gave is all you need to get on the test server by loging in in a browser.

    I assume the login credentials have no differences now. Back then they were - we had to create an account through this link as the stablebuild part in it gives the server selection, like you get Grimmag with grimmag.drakens**** etc..., etc.., but now i think you can log in with your normal account details to the test thingies without any problem to create characters.
    From browser which still supports java it shall work, or some can be modified to be able to, just some googling thats all, just like all that I write here...

    And there is the other method by editing the drakesnang client icon on your desktop. Adding -stable to that shown lines end and saving.
    By this on the next startup the client will load only the testing servers ( mostly only that is available to everyone, previously there were more like Daily and else ). So you log in with your account credentials just like you normally do and you are there… It may ask for reinstalling client if there is a change in it. It patches itself then loads the stuff...

    Its allways overcrowded so you may have higher chance to get in in the morning times CET +1. Like at 6-8am i mostly able to log in with character too not just with the account.
  18. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    So? This nonsense about only being able to use two Materi runes in your pauldrons. Did anyone ever find out if it was a glitch? or by design? hmmm thank you. I have a lot of these post that everyone claims is for the test server. Not sure if your comment is directed at me. This letter is not just for TS. The letter is found under Official Announcements. Scroll up it is titled community letter. Thank you for the info on the materi runes.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2018
  19. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    I am not sure.... Will check later tonight once I get onto a faster connection.
  20. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    It was both glitch and bug.
    You couldn't use the runes in some gear including pauldrons.
    You can wear 5 runes BUT ... you can't put the leftovers in a gem/rune holder because the system counts 5 runes across all gear not just the gear you have equipped. That means you will have to waste at least 2/4 empty slots into inventory/locker.
    Same goes for the wisdom runes.
    Do you know where you are?
    Read the title ... this thread is under Test Server section.
    Also don't just quote what I have said in the previous posts in this thread ... BUT read the actual quotes and what I have said in the past. I am not providing you links find them by your self.
    You will not understand even if I draw you a picture ... you are lacking both knowledge and ability to read posts.
    I would say the same for you.
    Crafted them from T8 items.
    No it is not true. That video is a compilation.
    The real drop is crap.
    Exactly ... just like Jullov in Viscanium mine. Most of the players can't find him after 1000 runs ... but some players get him every run :D
    That is the "randomness" in DSO ...
    Just Sign Up with an email.
    That is all.
    Augment crafting ... they don't drop nor you can buy them.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2018
    DocwhiskyTS likes this.
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