How equally matched are the classes?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Achilles121, Aug 24, 2014.

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  1. Achilles121

    Achilles121 Forum Apprentice

    Currently, i think many who do pvp will agree that some dragonknights can be overpowered. I also think that many would agree that their ability to regenerate is insane. They could fight for minutes after exhaustion has begun. So my question is, aren't the other classes at a disadvantage? Especially rangers. Unlike other DKs and SWs, rangers don't have any skill which could lessen an opponent's defense so how is it fair to rangers? In essence, if a ranger, DK and SW have same offensive stats, DKs and SWs will have an advantage over rangers because of iron brow and singularity skills so i believe it is only fair that rangers receive a similar skill.
    [ηαzz™] likes this.
  2. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Whenever an opponent is marked, RG's precision shot does double damage. DKs, SWs and SMs don't have a skill like this.

    Maybe they could just mix up all four classes into one class that everyone plays? [/sarcasm]

    I do PvP and I've fought against many overpowered SWs and RGs as well as a few OK-powered SMs and, admittedly, some overpowered DKs. Not really sure what your point is here, except that some people have played this game a long time and a lot of them have also spent a lot of money.

    If any character class in this game needs a boost, though, my vote would be for the SM. First, nerf the Iron Dwarf time, just a little (maybe 12 secs instead of 15) but then give them more HP and armor. This would result in a more balanced class, I think. But that's my opinion.

    I think rangers are fairly strong as is, except for one thing; I think their stun-skills should hit a little bit faster so they aren't telegraphed 3 days ahead of when they arrive :D
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2014
  3. Achilles121

    Achilles121 Forum Apprentice

    True. But try shooting an opponent without marking, the damage is crap. a marked opponent hit with precision gets hit with around the same damage as a fireball or smash.
  4. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    I've seen rangers that could do 3.5-4K damage to me with a marked precision shot if I didn't block. I have 4K armor and 8K hitpoints. I call that overpowered. Any character class can be overpowered. It just depends on how much time and (especially) money you want to spend on the character.
    Zokin likes this.
  5. Achilles121

    Achilles121 Forum Apprentice

    so your saying a spell weaver has never hit you that hard before? I am sure that is not the case sev. And imagine if you are in that spell weaver's singularity... even higher damage. but rangers do not have the advantage of singularity.
  6. Rev

    Rev Active Author

    Dragonknights are a little overpowered at the moment. As Achilles121 has stated that rangers are disadvantaged because of the lack of an armor breaking skill. For rangers it is all about skill shots and aiming. We have few skills that can barely be called crowd control skills. The Net is a skill which is easily avoided in pvp, and takes some luck to land. Hunting Trap is literally useless even though it can spread to multiple players. Spellweavers have the advantage of several crowd control skills, which are easier to use and land.

    The problem with DKs running to win is a problem and has always been.

    On a side note, there is another problem with DKs. The damage that DKs can obtain using 2 handed weapons. DKs can reach an unbelievable amount of damage (2k+) with 2 handed swords. A certain DK recently posted a video of him soloing mortis with only the 3 minute buff and red essence. He did it in 1 minute and 15 seconds. This is only possible through a 2-handed DK. The other two classes cannot solo mortis due to the lack of self regenerating skills and the amount of possible damage that can be achieved.

    For a DK to win in pvp it is critical that they reach the opponent before they get gunned down, therefore the regeneration makes sense. However, once exhaust sets in a DK automatically has the advantage. Either the healing is disabled or simply have the battle end in a draw.
  7. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    I have been hit for about that same amount by SWs (I guess you didn't read the part where I said ANY class can be overpowered?), but your original point was that you - as a Ranger - are at a disadvantage as a class. Having fought against all classes for years, I just don't see that. Except for the part where I said that a Ranger's stuns are a little too slow in processing, I don't believe your class is at a terrible disadvantaged in this game. But obviously you have a different opinion. That's fine, so be it.

    As far as singularity being an advantage for SWs in PvP, I get caught in one of those with about the same frequency as Ranger nets... that is, almost never. Both those tricks are for PvE and they almost never work in PvP. Anyone getting defeated regularly by getting caught by a singularity has bigger problems than whether a class is OP.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2014
  8. Nyshen

    Nyshen Someday Author

    Actually singularity can be helpful. At least it has been for me. Not using it with the intention of getting a hit, as you've pointed out that's rare, but I use it to limit the space of the opponent. I mean rarely will they willingly walk into it so now they have to run somewhere else. Usually running where I want them to go. ;)
  9. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    In that regard, it can be useful sometimes. When I see a caster trying to do this, though, I almost always trigger my Dragon Hide and charge directly into the area of effect. Many times, with the "fur flying", they don't realize I have activated Dragon Hide and try to stand their ground and fire away. The usual results of that situation don't need to be described ;)
  10. Rev

    Rev Active Author

    SWs have two wide ranged freezes...on top of that stuns.
  11. joe6699

    joe6699 Junior Expert

    you put 3 top dks vs 3 top rangers = dks wins.
    you put 3 top sws vs 3 top rangers = sws wins.
    conclusion 3 top rangers can beat 3 top Steam mechanicus only!!
  12. Jettemee

    Jettemee Junior Expert

    Yeah, I'm struggling as a ranger to fight against SWs and even DKs. They really need faster jumping speed and longer stunning time since Precision Shot takes a long precious second. SWs have way too much advantage with their fast teleport and stun/freeze abilities.
    moby31 likes this.
  13. -Faeriequeen22-

    -Faeriequeen22- Forum Mogul

    I love hearing rangers cry. Especially when I see them hitting people 8k in arena. That must be horrible for them.. I feel really sorry, you should totally get new skill - enter arena, everything is dead, look how much honor you get, go out. :rolleyes:
  14. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    What advantage? You have bigger dmg when you mark target?, similar thing like armor break in singularity right? What's that other advantage, slow?, your every single skill that marks do slow too. What else RG has that SW doesn't. Exp talent for 20% more dmg, move speed skill, bigger armor/hp, bigger base weapon speed, ability to wear 2h wpn and offhand in same time, healing, off-screen stun (net/bird). What does SW have? Elemental/high dmg skills, bigger base crit rate... hmm let's see what else........ nope that's all. If you add a bit faster bird casting you would get most op class of all here, that's only my opinion ofc. If a SW gets another nerfing, he'll become a nice pve support and a pvp farm-mob!
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2014
  15. VoulaAek1

    VoulaAek1 Forum Connoisseur

    It's all depending in how much money does someone spend in the game, for instance many rangers have 7k life with 3k armor and good block rate and damage 800+. Isn't this overpowered? Don't kidding me, it is absolutely easy for someone who spend a lot of money to build an overpowered character. I think that characters are quite balanced at the moment and any change isn't necessary. Every player has different opinion for his/her opponents. A dk may complain for sw and rangers because they provoke him a huge damage. Same for other classes and so on...
  16. Rev

    Rev Active Author

    Run to win is nevertheless an annoying problem that needs some serious attention.
  17. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Well said. But also as Multi-Sev pointed out earlier in this thread not just money but "time" in this game is a real factor.

    As an example (warning... long Mikey rambling ahead) yesterday I did some 1v1's with a lvl 20 cash DK of mine. I was really goofing around more than anything else since I was playing on my notebook with a touchpad and one of my hands is somewhat useless... so my options of what I could do were limited.

    Of course even with that the F2P's were easy simply because they could not hurt me (btw, I'm an easy going sort. If I meet the same player in a subsequent match I usually take off my OP gear and take a dive. I may be P2P but I am not P2W since this is just entertainment for me there is nothing to be won :p)

    One of the matches was against a cash SW a few levels below me. I knew this simply because of the amount of damage he did to me with a single fireball. My first attack I also saw how high his HP were.

    Then his inexperience showed bigtime. He did not seem to realize what a level 20 wearing most orange low level gear meant (I mean really... the headband alone should have screamed, "UPGRADER!!!") He never took advantage of my obvious lack of coordinated mobility. Then he just went into confused-panic mode after he hit me with a couple more fireballs and I did not die :D

    I was down to about 20 % of my HP but he was just flailing now so I stayed evasive and waited. He got reckless got to close, I jumped on him and hit him with a bloody wild swing. If he counter attacked I would have been dead since I was pretty much limited to a 2 move combo. The rest of the round was a rinse and repeat until he was dead :D

    Round 2 he had figured out my lack of coordinated mobility (the fact that I kept running into the walls probably gave it away, lol.) He came up with the tactic of attacking me with Lightning Strike. ROFL! How useful is that on a player that can still move. Maybe I couldn't move precisely where I wanted but I could still take the two steps needed to avoid that way telegraphed attack. This round did not last long because I got lucky. He tele'd right to the spot my cursor already was and within range of my earth shaker stun. I was able take my good hand off the touchpad and use more skills that ended with SMASH SMASH ... match won :p

    So yeah, cash will widen the balance gap a lot. This is true of any F2P game with a paying option. But when everything is equal in the character build I agree that Ranger, SW and DK are pretty well balanced. I think SM still needs some improvement but I think they are working on that.

    Luck be with ye,
    [kreg] and silverseas like this.
  18. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Same thoughts here. SM are definitely the underdog in PvP, except for running Flags (if they have the Iron Dwarf talent). They will be toughening up SMs, though, so that should help them.

    As to the original topic, if Rangers need anything I think a small increase in the speed of stuns (net and bird) - one quarter to one half a second - would make a huge difference. An armor break skill on top of marked double damage: that would make them OP, IMO.
  19. Jettemee

    Jettemee Junior Expert

    Rangers need a speed buff. Can't do diddly squat in PvP against SWs who teleport lightning fast and stun/freeze for lengthier times than the slow casting net or bird of prey. Can hardly even run after attacking or vice versa. Wish rangers could attack while running since they need precise shots to land on a moving target.

    Bottom line: SW>DK>R>SM
  20. Xemrac1987

    Xemrac1987 Forum Greenhorn

    They only thing i think is wierd is there is only one melee class against 3 ranged classes. To me all classes have ups and downs have have seen 32 rangers take out 45 dks. It all comes down to knowing your class and how you play it.
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