Powerful Witch Hunter Gear, Dragonache or Dark Amor?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SanIker, Jul 19, 2014.

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  1. spiro_spula

    spiro_spula Forum Connoisseur

    +1 maximum damage is worth something like +1/2 damage. Suppose a character has base damage of 100-200, meaning that average damage stands at 150. Adding +100 maximum damage would up his/hers damage to 100-300, or average to 200. On the other hand, +100 damage would result in base damage of 200-300 or 250 average.
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Yes my Bow is full with rubies.
    I use: Bow(2x attack speed, 2x % weapon damage) + Dark Gloves + Sapphires on Arrows + 3x [​IMG] jewel of fury
  3. joe6699

    joe6699 Junior Expert

    Based on my experience, dark armor + dragonache + defender belt is a very good setup in both pvp and pve.
  4. Hetsunien

    Hetsunien Padavan

    With this expample you can make yourself an idea of how much your damage will increase. If your character has a base damage of 700-800

    Adding +125 damage from Dragonache + 99 max damage from Witch Hunter set (plus 22.2% max damage increase) will result:
    825-1251 = 1038 average.

    Adding +125 damage from Dragonache + 45 damage fron Dark Set will result:
    870-970 = 920 average.

    So numbers are not lying, Powerful Witch Hunter set is better when your talking about raw damage, but is not when you're talking about Critical Hit rate, Armor and Travel Speed. Besides Dark Armor allows you to use a Shield and still have +2000 critical hit rate and +3000 armor, while this is quite difficult with the Witch Hunter Set.
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