Bug cant invite players via clicking name in region chanel

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by guinsoo, Mar 30, 2015.

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  1. guinsoo

    guinsoo Forum Apprentice

    Since R147 have been released,i cant invite player via name in region channel.The function list will flashes and disappears when the new messages come up in the channel,means impossible to invite in heredur server in busy hours--the messages runnin' like The Flash:mad:.
    After many tries,I have found out that I have to roll up the channel until the name of the player who i want to invite doesn't move anymore,with such effort i can finally be able to invite.
    So,any of you encounter this kind of situation or it is just me?:)
  2. Thank-you for reporting this. The issue has been forwarded.
    MegaNuker likes this.
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