Feedback Curse of the Black Knights: Rage of Dragan

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Apr 9, 2015.

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  1. maneakDooH

    maneakDooH Forum Apprentice

    Agree with drop rate of cape. but still i think if to work on this can get it! that's why event is 3 weeks to work 3 weeks on this not 1 week for so good set!
    maybe yes somebody is more lucky but same is with every event! What i want to say about other drops (CUBES) from start of this event i already collected 47 cubes! so i don't know i think is really good drop rate.
    Only bad in this event is drop rate of pearls but still even on this if to farm regular is ok! Is bad that in hard maps is no mini-bosses that drop like 10-12-15-20 pearls that can make game not so boring farming normal castle!
    And most bad "torso drop" from Sargon >>> really Administration is sleeping all this time .. some players try to farm more in start of event and use more resources just to find out that torso even don't exist right now as a drop! hope because of this we will get 100 remain as gift and this i consider as minimum for so unprofessional action!
  2. Trailboss1

    Trailboss1 Forum Mogul

    Read the post above you
  3. Noriyull

    Noriyull Forum Apprentice

    Greetings ya all!! ....

    ... all i can see in last two pages ( Last 3 events :D ) pepss whining about drop of cape ... its so funny to read this ... first of all I wana say stop whining and enjoy the game go farm, don't get frustrated (it was hard, painful, boring farm for all who get this cap so why u wish to get it izzy ??? Lazzy EDIT ) ... and most the important thing for Gods love think in front in this game. What u will do whit cap of 45lvl when 50lvl expansion is around the corner ???!! If u can manege to live whiteout the cap so far for sure u can hold out till new 50lvl items come out in next "Dragan" event. i can give u advice for free :D!!! Farm, hard farm entries to Dragan save them for next event, 99 entries per inv. slot so u will sacrifice 2 inv. slots and u will be one/two steps closer to grab 50lvl cap in next "Dragan" event!!!
    ... naaaa i change my mine i wana get paid for this ... price is 1 "Clower" per pep who use my advice !!! :D !

    ... and abut Dear Gregs fail in walktru ... what is one more extra mini bug in this game ??? From my side all is forgiven even if we all say MILLIONS time we wana permanent "Emos" ... Thay all humans they all make mistakes ower and ower again...

    ...and STOP WHINING go farm have fun good drops...

    u Nori !
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 17, 2015
    MatijaC likes this.
  4. MatijaC

    MatijaC Forum Greenhorn

    First, I love the game and appreciate every bit of Bigpoint's effort, especially Crystal of Truth removal (which got me playing again). Thank you for that.
    That said, I have just one thing to say: after farming those 50 pearls and entering Sulfur Desert to complete a quest, there wasn't a SINGLE sulfuric egg to check!! What a complete waste of time and nerves; enough to make any hater or complainer quit the game, but I'm not any of those.
    Bottom line; more pearls, please.

    Thank you.
  5. maneakDooH

    maneakDooH Forum Apprentice

    i readed before posted mine. is just everytime same. they do some mistakes and like is normal to be like this... ""OO sorry we forgot this"""
  6. .Baraba.

    .Baraba. Advanced

    I take a quick look at the last 12 pages and see that everyone said about cape, invisible lasers, bad drop etc.

    What annoys me the most is that you did the job like dilettante. Anyone who has played a challenge noticed that Dragonspawn and Trolls are real big problem. It is obvious that they are retrofitted and that program code is poorly written. First Dragonspawn have a lag, which combined with the damage they cause is a problem for a good part of the players. Second, the trolls have even big lag, fortunately does not have any significance in the game but is irritating. When you clear the entire difficult map only they respawn and at the moment when you encounter such a troll whole game freezes for a few seconds. It is clear that the program code is poorly written.

    If we add to that forgoten items to be add on drop list, bugs that you "fix" in last Dragan event (invisible lasers), that you start event with bug list and you "hotfix" it week after the start.... I have to ask: who do you have in a development team? Children from kindergarten?

    I'd like you to think carefully. You made a game based on grind and you lower the drop rate. You set the events that have a lot of bugs. Of course that you are not concerned much about it when all of that will be a reason that players will spend more on ess, buffs and respawn... but first feature of a game must be a playable so it will attract people and you do just a opposite.

    @Noriyull: Cape gives +5% travel speed, +5% resistance and +100 resistance.... tell me how will that stats be different on lvl50? It will give +108 resistance?
    Blindsenses likes this.
  7. Noriyull

    Noriyull Forum Apprentice

    Well Baraba its will not give u much bigger stats maybe even less comparing to 45lvl upgrading whit gops to 50lvl!
    ...but for sure it will save u time to farm gop for upgrade! 14.5mill gops or 1.3mill. anders to get in 50 lvl and i dono if u watch "Twich" last day "Greg" say items will go above 50lvl. maybe to 55lvl. we will all see this in time. So for 5 more lvl. u can think how much gops or andres will be need it for this ... and we all know this small numbers make a differences in stats not much but it make u bit stronger ....

    oo and i almost forget ..its not just a cap there is poudrons and helm 2!!

    ..and i agree whit u Dragonspawns bad code/script for them bit lagi/no drops after u kill them (after u kill multicolor
    Dragonspawns on hard u get event ess but after u kill red/pink/blue/green no drop from this mobs no even a coins :D ) u cant use pvp talent to deBuff there special attacks or u get lagi when u try it and so on en on ....
    ...this occur two whit the Bad Troloolooo Gnobo boss Dragonspawns no drop no deBuff and not to mention really pore visibility there!
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2015
  8. wyw

    wyw Forum Apprentice

    Why solo dragan normal, laser trap become invisible, but when fight dragan normal in group, laser trap become visible. Please fix it. TQ
  9. .Baraba.

    .Baraba. Advanced

    First, it will be up to lvl55 for shure. +5lvl is almost a rule for few instance in the game. Second, upgrade have been little buff up. Upgrade to lvl49 is relatively OK, but upgrade 49 > 50 is deliberately huge because is last lvl for now. Knowing BP would not surprise me that after introduction lvl55 this buff up upgrade 49 > 50 remain in the game as new bug. Of couse there will be some hotfix to correct amount of GoP.... probably at the end of the year :) .

    Not necessarily... this set is not compatible with other sets so many player are going just for cape. Personally, I have not tried to calculate what stats it will give with 3 items of Dark set or 2 items of dark plus keen/yachaks set.

    O, dont get me started... In the previous post I wanted to avoid makeing a list of the numerous bugs.

    - Dragan orders drop just to confuse new players
    - Stormblade follow me to the entrance of the castle.
    - Hunting trap disappears after 2 seconds.
    - Mobs can walk/fly over hunting trap and dont active it.
    - After being killed cursed archer respawn second later some 5m away
    and so on... and so on.

    Let me correct myself: Children from kindergarten would have done better job.
  10. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    By the way, Dragan's orders droped in the first event. They didn't do anything then. It wasn't until the second one that they had a purpose. Not a bug, simply a vestigial item.
  11. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

  12. wyw

    wyw Forum Apprentice

    In the event, should allow the drop of realm fragment also for full and new moon event.
  13. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Of course ... silver essences, woods and shards for DoE as well. :D
    Trailboss1 and Master0fpuppets like this.
  14. .Baraba.

    .Baraba. Advanced

    I decided to do a little math.The base is10 fast laps in castle. The first round takes a little longer, until you find positions of champion, but others go under 10 minutes. Rounds could be faster but I cleaned the mobs along the way, just to see drop of items.

    Drop of pearls is relatively properly distributed:
    5+5+10 + 10=2times

    So it turns out that the drop is min20, max32, and on average 26.7 pearls. So to enter the M120 should take four rounds at least.

    On the M120 you need at least two rounds to have 10 red fragments for one red pearl.

    For four challenges you will need some 26 red pearls... minus 4 that you will get from bonus chast it make 22 red pearls you need to farm.

    So it turns out that for 4 challenges you need to play M120 map 44 times and make 176 laps in castle. Free calculation turns out that you need some 220 rounds of 10min each which means 36.6 hours of play.

    Plus time to do m30, m50 quests.... visit dragan... play on diff map 26 times...

    The biggest disappointment is drop. In the 10 laps I got 15 magical, 3 extraordinary and 1 legendary item. The total melt of 16,5k GoP.
  15. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    This has been a sad part of the event for me. During Dragan 2, the drops in the normal and hard castle maps from regular mobs were excellent and GOP building was very nice. Not the case this time.
    tinyboom likes this.
  16. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert

    We need: Torso Drops, better Cape Drops, a tad more good drops in the Castle.. and at least normal cube drops in the Castle.
  17. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Finding the knights takes no time at all... if you know what map you are on. Below it the path that I take when I first enter the map. As soon as I encounter a knight, I know where I am and the shortest path to the rest of the knights. Just ignore the part about the Jack-o'-Knight as that was from Dragan2. Also, yellow4 is located up by the 120 map since the removal of the battle ground map. To move in between knights, simply bypass all mobs and use a mount. Jump spots are used only when it is actually faster than riding. Done this way, each lap only takes 3-6 min. If you take more than 5 min, you can simply do another lap by going back to the first one. If you do it in less than 4:30, it is faster to telaport and reset the map. When I am in the zone, I can do the 4 laps to get into M120 in less than 15 min as opposed to 40. Also, there are usually some of the little knights around the big knights so I find I usually get between 2 and 6 extra pearls a map which would bring your average up to ~30 pearls per run (which lines up almost exactly with the 4 trips to get into M120 estimation).

    Hope this helps someone.
    If you find the green knight, follow this path:
    Find the yellow knight first and follow this one:
    Red Path:
    And last but not least, Blue:
    MegaNuker, tinyboom, jthames and 7 others like this.
  18. Orange_George

    Orange_George Padavan

    Please just give the people the freaking rabbit costume. This is just stupid now and is creating a lot of unnecessary community aggravation. If you can't do that, please have Gregg dress up as a rabbit and video a public apology. The costume adds no PVE or PVP advantage. It is just pixels. Just give it out and be done with it.

    Agreed just give it as a whole piece. The added stress to those who want it pours out on the rest of the players. I have no desire to get/keep. Like me many others don't want it's worthless in pve/pvp.

    On another matter this lag is still making group game play a no go for me. after uninstall / deleate / cleaning / reinstall / defraging / and still got the EPIC lag!
    Makes game play here NOT FUN!

    Another matter a little off subject , why is the ranger headband used as a belt?
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2015
  19. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Thanks very much for this. Is it in the wiki? If not, it should be!
  20. Hannai

    Hannai Someday Author

    Wow, thanks for those maps Baragain!! :)
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