Way to Gamescom - Forum Event [Answers]

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Allogeneous, Jul 28, 2015.

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  1. MANOJ

    MANOJ Forum Pro

    Answer: 225
    Character : Manjarrow
    Server: Agathon
    ID : 103209704
  2. GroKoLegend

    GroKoLegend Forum Apprentice

    Id: 107737813
  3. motorola11

    motorola11 Forum Apprentice

  4. Tatiana

    Tatiana Forum Greenhorn

    Answer: 225
    Character: Sharimaa
    Server: Tegan
    ID: 101575795
  5. hedwig70

    hedwig70 Someday Author

    Answer : 225
    Character : Lycanthroph
    ID: 101018475
    Server : Tegan
  6. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    Answer: 225
    Character: Zhaozhilong
    Server: Tegan
    ID: 100575801
  7. Uzur-Back

    Uzur-Back Forum Greenhorn

    Answer: 226
    Nickname: Uzurback
    ID: 1549332
    Server: Grimmag
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2015
  8. Theokoles1998

    Theokoles1998 Someday Author

    Answer: 224
    Character: Theokoles1998
    Server: Heredur
    ID: 105799794
  9. muki1004

    muki1004 Forum Greenhorn

    Answer 225
  10. Closed @ 11:00 AM CEST. Note: a few people seem to have overlooked a vital rule for this competition... namely:
    ~You can only give one answer in this thread (multiple answers will disqualify you immediately) and
    ~This event runs across national forums but please stick your participation to just ONE forum of your choice; if we find out that you have answered in two forums, you will be automatically disqualified.

    The correct answer is 225. All correct answers, where the poster has complied with the rules of the competition, will be entered into the draw and 5 winners from amongst those will be randomly selected.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2015
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