New guild - Heredur

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Pumpkin7, Jul 5, 2014.

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  1. Pumpkin7

    Pumpkin7 Junior Expert

    LAST UPDATE 2017 Jun 21


    I salute the community :)

    This is our guild and our rules:

    Server - Heredur

    Name - Night0wls

    Guild Master
    Morinphen (Romania) - Forum/Raidcall admin

    Pumpkina (Greece) - Forum/Raidcall admin
    Vrasesssi (Albania) - Raidcall admin/Forum art designer
    Mιchelle (Netherlands)
    Targwiz (Israel) - Forum moderator
    Ezekiël (Belgium)
    Roflox (Germany) - Guild's founder


    (1) Our guild is based on its community and targets to fun. That's why some basic rules of good behavior are applied. We don't call names (too many), we don't yell each other and we are not measuring our ....... (strengths I mean ;) ). We show no tolerance against troublemakers.

    (2) Candidates have to be active every day under normal circumstances. The character has to be the main one or, if secondary, has to be the most active.

    (3) Candidates have to speak and understand English because we are a multinational guild. We are not asking for a proficiency diploma of course, but it's not possible for me to speak english through RaidCall or Skype, trying to communicate with germans at guild chat and recieving greek whispers at the same time :confused:. English everywhere. RaidCall is optional, but more and more guild mates use it, because it's very usefull at Qs, Ms, events and team arena. So, it's better if it exists. Additionaly, we all load the game using english language for better communication.

    (4) We accept only one character per real person. Have in mind that every second character is a red dot at the guild tab. By this way our guild weakens. So, please choose your character that you want to join us.

    (5) Candidates have to be 50 level. PVP rank is irrelevant, but some PVP skills are good to have.

    (6) No sharing accounts is allowed. Sharing accounts is not only illegal and may cause bans but it's very confusing, too. It is impossible to establish a strong fellowship, which is the base of our guild, if members have to deal with different persons playing the same characters. It's total chaos and for that reason it is forbidden within our guild.

    A couple of words about us...
    - We are a steadily growing guild. We target more to fun and less to hardcore play, but there are many times we are burning until the first light of the sun :D.

    - The guild has been mostly PVE until now and our regular activities incude Qs, boss fights and events, without excluding the necessary solo play. Lately, PVP has started to grow and now there are many owls fighting side by side in the arenas. That's why we are searching for ready to PVP characters.

    - All of us play whenever and just as we like. Each one of us plays his game concentrating on his personal strategy, without being forced to help and participate in teams. There is absolutely no obligation to this matter. It's a game after all and it will remain a game inside our guild's doors.

    - All ages are accepted. This particular moment the youngest is 13 years old and the eldest 60.

    I would like to thank you all for reading this presentation and I'm looking forward contacting you in-game. :cool:

    Have fun everybody !!!

    Markos - Pumpkina
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2017
  2. -Mayaku

    -Mayaku Forum Apprentice

    Hey Hey !!

    Very good description pumpkin ;)

    I'm very proud to be in your guild and play with you all .
    I hope to know more each gamer i've met and others ( news and players that i haven't met yet )
    Even if my english is shy, i'll do my best to understand and be understood .:oops:
    I want to thanks tinkedile who invited my friends Ceilt,
    L3stat and i to join the guild .

    I wish long life to the guild and may it keep on this way .

    Bye bye See you soon in the game
    Have fun
  3. Ceilteach

    Ceilteach Forum Apprentice

    Hi folks,

    I agree with mayaku, this guild is such a pleasant place to be. All the members i've met until today have been friendly, talking about everything (not only the game), good advisors, good partners during runs on differents map (mainly Dragan event ).
    If you are looking for a guild where you can have fun, pleasant partners, talking friendly and discovering new culture (multinational guild) this is the place do be.
    So come on and talk with us in game !!
    Immersed and Roflox like this.
  4. Ceilteach

    Ceilteach Forum Apprentice

    The french version of this topic is online... HERE

    Please tell me if there's some update i should do.
  5. Pumpkin7

    Pumpkin7 Junior Expert


    1) Guild name, officers and introduction changes.
    2) We created the Night0wls forum. All owls have their own nest now.
    3) PVP is among our regular activities from now on. Owls, sharpen your claws... night (and daily) raids have already started !
    Last edited: May 28, 2015
  6. -grumblehogg-

    -grumblehogg- Forum Apprentice

    hi ive just seen ur profile and im looking for a guild im a lvl 41 dk and a lvl 40 sw
  7. Deathrazor

    Deathrazor Forum Greenhorn


    I am a 42lvl mage (34 pvp) and I am looking for a nice guild. Are you still searching for players ?
    My in-game name is newbieme, I am pretty new to this game but I developed an above average char.

    Looking forward to hearing from u guys.
    See yaaa,
  8. -Mayaku

    -Mayaku Forum Apprentice

    I add you in friendlist i will talk with you when i see you online :)
    yes we still searching player ;)
  9. Pumpkin7

    Pumpkin7 Junior Expert


    1) Officers and introduction changes.
    2) Rearrangement of responsibilities.
    3) RaidCall is already installed and it is our official voice-chat, due to the fact that is has many advantages over Skype. From now on, all owls have their own channels to communicate and our team play is boosted.

    We are waiting for you to join us ;)
  10. SabarathTheDarkOne

    SabarathTheDarkOne Forum Greenhorn

    Roemyhood level 45 Ranger, Heredur, I'm very active, and am looking for a good guild, pls inv me? (im american and speak fluent english)
  11. Pumpkin7

    Pumpkin7 Junior Expert

    OK mate, I'll contact you in-game to discusss about your invitation.
  12. Sshadowfang

    Sshadowfang Forum Apprentice

    Hi my game name is Sshadowfang lv45 ranger just started getting into pvp (ardent legionairre) been looking for an english speaking lv45 guild for a while now, for help on quests and events i am not very active during the week i do manage to log on for a few hours in the evening for a bit of pvp, but am on most of the weekend:) btw im from england
  13. Pumpkin7

    Pumpkin7 Junior Expert


    1) Changes at the leading team.
    2) Rearrangement of responsibilities.
  14. AmrNageb

    AmrNageb Forum Greenhorn

    want to join guild name in game Mrdraven lvl 50 rengar from egypt pm me for more information !
  15. Pumpkin7

    Pumpkin7 Junior Expert

    OK mate,
    I hope you enjoy your game in our nest.
    With Mrdraven in Night0wls, we are 46 characters at the moment and unfortunately we have to halt invitations until we have some more space.
  16. Ukshade

    Ukshade Forum Greenhorn

    Hi There

    I am looking for a guild for my level 46 DK. Meganuker recommended your guild to me and would love to join when you have a space available. Character name is Reenat. I am from England and work funny shifts but do get online everyday.

    Hope to hear from you soon :)
  17. mihaihools

    mihaihools Forum Greenhorn

    Hi I would like to join your guild my name is Blestematul and I am a 43 lv DK.
  18. Pumpkin7

    Pumpkin7 Junior Expert

    Hey guys,
    I really appreciate your concern about joining our guild, but as I said earlier, we have stop invitations due to our members number. If we find some more space in the future, we will invite again.

    Thanks !
  19. Roflox

    Roflox Forum Greenhorn

    Hey all,

    this message goes to the forum moderators... Its not possible to edit the title of the guild introductions. but i guess "New guild - Heredur" doesnt really fit anymore after 2 years xD Its only a minor matter but if there is a possibility to change that...


  20. peter277

    peter277 Forum Apprentice

    Can I join
    Name Casipian
    Level 30
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