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Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by CM Greg, Jul 14, 2015.

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  1. fab

    fab Advanced

    Sw is a weak class in dso, and rangers and dks couldn't stand getting killed by them with much more superior skills.
    This bipapa and trak seems more like a selfish players themselves rather than speaking the real truth in their character
    Rangers whine everytime if they got killed by a sw and they will try all means to nerf them and so is dks, next runner up will be SM where they can just place turrets and round around in a circle lol.
    Iron drawf is unstoppable for 15 secs, Hahahahaah simply hilarious
    Gnob offers 6k drakens for sw is purely trash, no crit values and even damage is not EVEN comparable to rangers gnob bow:confused:
    Already mention thousnads of times here in the forum, TOO MUCH DOUBLE STANDARD in the game.
    Addiction is certainly very bad for players and wekaness comes with a HUGE COST behind
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2015
  2. MANOJ

    MANOJ Forum Pro

    You understand Rangers very well.
    Yea the amazing Bouncing blade. It's the best longbow we rangers got in the game.
    I kill every player with just one blade cut. And the speed is wonderful. Rangers blade dance in slow motion and mages go baffled looking at a ranger's dance skills with that bow.
    It is too OP and I myself want it to be nerfed (or removed completely :p)
    misterbean likes this.
  3. crazyelli

    crazyelli Junior Expert

    OMG people get over it,, quit whining what others have and you dont ,,if you want better gear farm.. my Dk sucks now but im not in here crying other classes are op.. if you dont like the toon you are playing change it otherwise suck it up
  4. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Whining about some skills, yeah, maybe. But keeping Lifekeeper in the game, or any item with such a behavior is a EDIT desicion of a person who have no idea what common sense is. This item is against the game. That desicion maker was explaining us through different channels the reasons to take off the infinite pvp healing (lvl40 fame) and the next day he came up with this.

    I stopped playing a mage as they are EDIT and cannot do and easy math. But even as a DK I am against that item. All dk will be forced to get it as those who don't own it will have zero chances against equal DKs with it. Whatever the result is, fighting a person with that weapon is zero fun, it is nothing about skills, it is an absurd. So sooner or later most DKs will get it as it is the only way against other dks. Other classes will be forced to do something about that (but really what?).

    DSO used to be the only game with very well balanced pvp before r155. There is no pvp in this game anymore. It is a joke. They have all the numbers to figure it out, to understand that farming or items have less and less impact on the result because of multiple EDIT desicions they made. They even failed to do a fair nerf, refunding 6k drakens, glyphs and ander and an option to buy it again. Those who own it will enjoy it for 1.5k drakens.

    I'm tired of this game, and of that Greg who has some issues with elementary math, and is teaching us what probability is and how it works. Dude, if you are not smart enough, better not even try to mention a term you don't understand and go read some books. I'm afraid he is the brightest, so the others must be... no chance they will figure it out. WTH happened to the previous team? It is so sad, especially about the graphic artists, they are doing job well.
    Troneck86 likes this.
  5. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    LOL, are you and I playing the same game? This game hasn't had balanced PvP since the days when LVL 40 was the cap, but even then, only if no one was using essence.
    Aemon, sebastian_fl and -Skygazer- like this.
  6. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Well, comparing to other games it was still something. Assuming we take quakes out of question.
  7. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Got tired of saying the same things over and over finally so you made a personal attack. Well, sad to say its progress for you.

    Yes i'm well known for being selfish and fabricating the truth, not to mention all the whining and talking bad about other classes that I do always asking them to be nerfed. Hmmm, maybe you could find an example somewhere in the forums and quote it for me to help me remember. Shouldnt be too hard to find.

    It's hard to argue with your nonsense because most of it i cant tell what your talking about. You seem to start a thought then cars have engines. And then connect things that don't have dogs that bark on. Or, use words you don't know by talking about 6k draken weapons that anticipate the full moon for DK's after that went there too. Addiction is ceartainly very bad for players and weakness comes from lack of vitamins which you can get at Walmart or the fishmarket. Anyway you're right about one thing, iron dwarf is unstoppable, well unless you stop it. So, maybe you werent right about that, but cars do have engines and DK's on and right about that dog thing. And, you did already mention thousands of time here in forum, so no wonder, yes thats very true and you mentioned that thousands of time that you mentioned it a thousand time. I anticipate wonder at hard platapuss casting for star movies and botched freckles. But never let them know your DK's and RA's do more damage than the other DK's and RA's because SW's are engines with freckles.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2015
  8. fab

    fab Advanced

    If you're really good playing at pvp playing any class playing any class doesnt make a BIG DIFFERENCE , right ?
    Another thing is since you got a sw and why dont u use your sw against a ranger in a 1v1 duel ?
    Andi'm not a person who likes to twist the facts, let me ask you a question pure and simple.
    Why do rangers only have this marking ability and not other class and armour break without any cooldown ?
    Personal attacks ? not really since if you wanna look at this view its your choice.
    My explaination is simple , using simple grammar to explain and we are discussing about characters skills.
    I usually do things in a correct way and NEVER assume, NO wonder lol
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2015
  9. fab

    fab Advanced

    Tell your beloved developers , that you wanted ranger class to nerf real bad LOL
  10. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Fab, im kind of mad at myself now for not seeing and understanding this sooner. I understand now why we have these continued repetitive statements from you and I'm upset with myself for being harsh with you because you never understand the answers you get from others.

    I just proved to myself in my last post that you don't bother to read and understand what other people have to say. Your english skills are insufficient to have an intelligent conversation with in this language. And I understand now why you repeat the same things, you don't get what others are trying to tell you. You pick up about 30% of what is said and ignore the rest. Since this is the english forum, either put more effort into reading what is said here or may i suggest you find the language forum that will allow you to express yourself effectively and to understand what others have to say instead of just arguing with them for the sake of argument. I am absolutely sure you are an intelligent person, but the language barrier cannot be ignored although you are trying without sufficient skills to do so. I would be a mumbling idiot if I posted in other language forums. It is why I don't post there although I pick up information that I read and can partially translate. You should do the same.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2015
  11. Ella

    Ella Someday Author

    I dont understand this mags complaining...As I remember before only mag have a good 2h weapon from Emilia and nobody cry here because of that.
    Regarding Lifekeeper... I cant belive how people can be so selfish...
    Now when very hard and extreme map will come Lifekeeper is maybe the only chance for the new players and not so big payers tanks to handle the bosses.
    I have pretty ok tank,field marshal and I dont care about if they will be removed or not,for me its ok...Anyhow using it only in flag sometimes or in Balor. Personaly I didnt find it so wow when mag hit me 10k ;)
    But do anyone else think about 80% tanks who will without this weapon "cry" to other tanks to bring them on bosses?
    Does that people from FB (and I know many of them dont have so good chars) think about it who will bring them "tomorrow" to bosses?
    They just take chance for them to can make more easily group for farm,to improve their chars,its seem they prefer to lick one body part for few players to bring them.
    Or.. that tanks will be forced to use red ess until their companions will enjoy in green and blue ess blessings.
    Its maybe a time to think "global" not "local" or be prepared to be very "kind" to few players to maybe help you in the future ;)
  12. fab

    fab Advanced

    What are you actually tryng to imply, here isnt a place for yu to prove you SO CALLED super english.
    You sounds really like a big loser in the game, rangers EA is OP in the game and you kept denying and almost every player in dso knews that pretty well.
    And tell me a good reason why i should read post from you in the forum, any good reason ?
    I personally find you a weird person, whatever you posted in the forum and you expect everyone to abide to you sounds funny isnt it.
  13. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Ella, you misunderstand the point. And the point is, if there are any real issues with DK (they need better skills, more healing on skills, anti-stuns, stuns) it should be fixed by tuning skills, and not introducing one crazy item that will turn pvp match into zero fun absurd. And to be honest, extreme maps are not for 'new players'. I play tank myself, and I can easily handle solo m2 knights only run and mortis with 2h, having only polished gems (not all slots open). I'm not sure what DK are complaining. It is the easiest class to play, I don't need Lifekeeper.
  14. fourtwenty68

    fourtwenty68 Board Analyst

    we know!!;);)
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2015
    fab and sebastian_fl like this.
  15. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    It is a statement to how annoying Fab is that he has gotten one of the most level headed posters on the En forums riled up. You are arguing with a wall about whether or not the sky is blue. I've gotten to the point where I just ignore him, and like you, I'll only break that silence if I need to set things straight so the the CMs, who always seem to pull out the dumbest posts and think that they speak for the masses, are maybe a little less likely to make the same mistakes that they always seem to make in this thread.
    misterbean likes this.
  16. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Well taken, post deleted although he deserved it. I hope others see through his years long campaign against RA. I won't be the one to point out it's innacuarate rambling stupidity anymore.
  17. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    His posts are always good ... for avoiding.
    I don't know why do you even bother reading it ... I care for his posts like I care for the last year's snow.
    misterbean likes this.
  18. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    This is a nice feature indeed if it gets implemented.
    In addition to that, the following would be simple but much needed features for guild menu:

    1. Show last login date of each member
    2. Display a message when a member comes online/offline.
  19. DaveGulya

    DaveGulya Forum Greenhorn

    Can I remove gems from an item to place onto another item?
  20. crazyelli

    crazyelli Junior Expert

    yes go to jeweler and remove them then put them in other
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