Discussion about the "fixed" Daily deal exploit

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Diatron, Feb 16, 2018.

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  1. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    Yes but no 5 gems though...
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I can half-verify that.
    There is no reason to despair dude :) ... take a look at me ... I know my longbow build is monkey business compared to hoaxbows ... but who cares i am doing it my way anyway :D Maybe the exploiters are having their 5 minutes ... but at the end (I hope very soon) we are going to be the ones who are laughing.

    I don't know about you ... but my laughing will be like this
  3. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    Don't hold your breath, i dunno though, the mods don't even say something about it, like the usual (we are working on it).
  4. xmasholo

    xmasholo Forum Apprentice

    This is the face of the exploiters when they have passed 3-4 more months without any prohibition

  5. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    If they aren't banned, why should honest players be laughing?
  6. rcch

    rcch Advanced

    workbench bug for example works just fine as we speak... this is disgusting if those players get away with all of this without punishments
  7. Diatron

    Diatron Regular

    i can totally verify that, just search on EDIT . Ist such a shame that Bp dont even have a official Statement to that, not even talking about what they gonna do to punish the exploiters.. We have a couple of Bugs here which allows Players to achieve absolute max-stats chars, that have almost evrything what u (im)possibly can get in the game.

    can u please put that Thread into General Forum, or Forum about current Topics, its now not anymore something that is already fixed or something that should stay in Speakers Corner.. + maybe change the Threadname and add the workbench exploit to it
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 19, 2018
    sebastian_fl likes this.
  8. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Grimmag is full of those botters and cheaters. All those players mentioned in a video not only cheat, they also bought their accounts prior to that. And they are laughing into a face of normal players for months now, with BP doing nothing but adding 'Players' Tears into the game.
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 19, 2018
  9. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Everything is good as it is, no need for changes.

  10. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    How about you say something about those exploits? 0 official answers till now.
  11. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    I am saying something about exploits and it is not official.

  12. Diatron

    Diatron Regular

    Can you tell Bp about the exploits and that they need to get fixed this week, because every day the cheaters and exploiters stay unpunished, more users are leaving the game.. there are to many Problems, Botproblem exist now for years Bp dont do anything.. They want this game die?!
  13. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Relax, it's not just about this week.
    1. Botters play unpunished for 3 years and counting.
    2. So do those who bought their chars.
    3. So do those who make money on boss kills. Russian dso VK page is almost purely dedicated to it.
    4. So are those who using that tool to zoom the map
    5. So are the workbench buggers.
    6. So are the rune buggers.
    7. So are those who use undressing PVP bug. They don't even hide and call those who don't do that stupid.
    8. So would the pinata buggers if community didn't step up, as the first reply from BP was sorry, we cannot do anything.

    Cheating is built in in this game and has been here forever. Some highend players are very well known cheaters, people even know who they bought the accounts from, yet nothing is happening. You don't need to get frustrated today. You should have been frustrated long long time ago already.
    MikeyMetro, Fugnuts and Diatron like this.
  14. Diatron

    Diatron Regular

    You are right, they all Need to get banned, but Bp should start with Number 1 priority and that is this damn exploit.
    I already was frustated long long time ago, dont worry, i just never told it in Forum.. but this Bugs are now the biggest exploit ever happened in Dso, and for now i mean very much Players will leave the game forever, even more then already had leaved the past years because of Bp incompetence.. There should happen something really fast, at least a statement from official site..
  15. Oessian

    Oessian Community Team Team Drakensang Online

    Hello Guys,

    Sharing links to the Exploits will only make the issue worse and will result in more players getting banned when a script is run to detect such players. We are not sharing any details at this moment due to ongoing investigations.

    Any action and possible sanctions taken against exploiters will be announced in due time.

    So although it may seem that no one is paying attention, let me assure you that we are!

    Many Thanks

    Your Drakensang Team
    _Baragain_, Novadude, Shine2 and 2 others like this.
  16. Diatron

    Diatron Regular

    Thanks for your Statement, glad to hear that.
  17. Fugnuts

    Fugnuts Forum Master

    True sadly..
  18. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Pinata abuse 2.0, but waaay worse... how in the name of everything is such extreme exploiting going about freely? Tsk.

    Last time something was indeed done eventually, and after a while some were unbanned but with all gems stripped off. Seemed fair, but look at the situation now... back to square one, with a vengeance, as what looks to be going around is a monstrosity that combine all the worst exploits possible and combine them into one... dunno, makes me sad and IDK if a way can be found to potentially seal away any such attempts at working around the game.

    There are a ton of examples of past abuses that weren't shut down before (which kinda explain the general scepticism of those of us who accuse that too much is easily looked over). Point is, some tricks were smaller, others bigger... but at least those that give an abruptly unfair edge should be properly dealt with.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2018
  19. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    How many of those are heavy payers?That might be the reason they aren't banned
  20. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    The solution for this problem is quite simple if you ask me.
    Who would have 10big hp gems or 5big materi runes or 500-1000 rune enhancers ? Its impossible. Yet they deny doing the right thing (perma-bans). Searching one of those things is easy. YET here we are, arguing about this here.
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