Discussion in 'Guild Introductions' started by Eris, Nov 12, 2018.

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  1. Eris

    Eris Forum Greenhorn

    Guild name: BOGOMILITE
    Server name: Grimmag

    Created February 2013, BOGOMILITE becomes one of the oldest and strongest Bulgarian guilds on the Grimmag server. In her composition, some really old and healthy characters are involved. And some of them have gained the right to join the management over time, becoming part of the officers' squad. Currently, the guild recruits members, and each player reaching the maximum /55th/ level has a real chance to join. The hero's strength and rank do not matter. Seeking serious players who do not violate the domestic order and help each other.

    1. Without cynicism and damaging the dignity of other players.
    2. Regular play. Every day or at most during the one day. If the player has to be absent for longer, turn to an officer or the guild leader to warn.
    3. Play with the other members of the guild.

    1. Leader: Canaglia
    2. Officers:

    Greetings, Eris.
    sacho07, stan66002003 and navelko like this.
  2. Lordodemons5

    Lordodemons5 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello! İ am a Bulgarian as well. My name in the game is Norix and i am 52 level. İ am usually an active player. İ hope to get into the guild and i will try to level up as fast as i can.
  3. dgkgdyy

    dgkgdyy Forum Greenhorn

    Hello!I am Bulgarian..My name in the game is Най-силният and i am 30level.I am usually an active player.i hope to get into the guild