Suggestion Summons' survivability

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by ΣMiwel, Jun 25, 2019.

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Do you want tree's, wolves' and guardian's HP to be increased?

  1. Yes!

  2. No!

  1. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    So, what we have currently, is monsters constantly buffed through the roof, and guardian/tree staying the same and only dying even faster. Why does this not really apply to the dwarf turrets? They don't draw aggro and it's ok, as they're supposed to be damage sources. On top of that they inherit all the stats.

    However, mage's guardian is supposed to be a personal tank... when it dies instantly after being placed in solo play (in inf3/inf4) = where it is most needed, something is wrong. Yes, we can give him 4s godmode each time we place it in group play, but in group play we usually have a tank (well, somebody quite filling the role of the tank at least), and when we don't, boss' attention is split between the group members, allowing us to do our work anyways.

    Ranger's wolves/tree are supposed to be a tanking aid and an important healing measures. However, in high modes, oftentimes the tree with the 5p. talent (tree has way more hp than wolves + 5p. talent doubles the hp) simply dies right during it is placed, or very shortly after, usually before it's able to hit anything (eg. grimmag is firing a fireball at me, he strikes me while I'm summoning, since it explodes the tree gets hit = it dies).

    Not even talking about PvP, where the summons are only a free healing node for mages and rangers.

    Something has to be done about it. Something has to change.

    My solution:

    Make guardian, tree and wolves inherit all the stats (including block rate), just like the dwarf's turrets.
    Thence, double their HP.
    .RakshaRanja. and Jhinstalock like this.
  2. .RakshaRanja.

    .RakshaRanja. Forum Pro

    Hard agree. Turret's of most dwarves I play with are tankier than Guardian - unit that's meant to tank (at least for a while).
    Atm Guardian, Wolves and Wraith are way too squishy.

    Should be Wraith > Guardian > Turrets > Wolves (since hp and dmg is shared between 3 wolves if I recall correctly) in case of tankiness.
    ΣMiwel likes this.
  3. Purgerzg

    Purgerzg Active Author

    1h SW will be immortal with that, and easily kill dummy with xxxx HP (for rest of players knowing like "boss")
    And for pvp mages are strong enough, they don't need any buff for pvp
  4. .RakshaRanja.

    .RakshaRanja. Forum Pro

    This doesnt matter. Summons have 90% reduced hp on PvP. Also using them is often healing your opponent.
  5. Purgerzg

    Purgerzg Active Author

    For RA/SM and another SW is no problem,but what about DK? Having guardian immune on stunt + have block + have higher HP.Even now DK have serious problems with SW on 1v1
  6. .RakshaRanja.

    .RakshaRanja. Forum Pro

    You can literally sneeze on SMs turret and it would destroyed. Considering Guardian doesnt even have hp scaling meanwhile SMs turret has 150% of SM's HP I dont think that should be an issue.
  7. couda22

    couda22 Forum Commissioner

    You are wrong.
    • Monster HP - 20
    • Minion HP factor - 1.4 (0.14 for PVP)
    • Minion HP source - monster and summoner
    Combat turret:
    • Monster HP - 25
    • Minion HP factor - 1.5 (0.15 for PVP)
    • Minion HP source - monster and summoner
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2019
  8. .RakshaRanja.

    .RakshaRanja. Forum Pro

    Well thanks for clarification.
    I guess they had a reason to hide info when they reworked minions scaling then?
  9. Purgerzg

    Purgerzg Active Author

    SM turrets don't have 150% of character HP
    It have +50% HP of character total HP (ofc wisdom tree don't affect turrets,so +xx% HP/armor/resist/block from wisdom don't apply to turrets). So you don't get confused about numbers I will tell you in reality, I have 103k HP and my turrets have around 95k
    But anyway,with that suggestion 1h SW will have guardian with 4xHP (double your suggestion + double from exp tree) so he can stay in singu and constant casting guardian,that is just absurd thing
  10. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    How so?

    Is 1h dwarf immortal? According to you, he is (even stronger than SW)... anyways nobody is using him due to low damage output.
    Is 1h DK immortal? Oh yes, even more, and we usually simply call him "tank".

    As it is now, guardian is simply useless on PvP, unless you're playing against another SW and you're confident he is going to control it (and you need healing). Same goes for the tree/wolves of ranger.

    DKs have serious problems? Don't make me laugh.
    Stop with that singu argument.
    SW throws singu on himself > DK jumps in > he attacks with some smashes or a BWS for example > after 2s in singu, DH for safety
    This way, you either kill SW due to him staying next to you, you deal to him so significant damage (that he can't recover, unlike you) that you later kill him easily (or he dies from exhaution if he manages to stay alive running somehow), or he has to escape his singu immediately and you have about 20s (you have to stay in his singu until the end to make sure he doesn't come back) to kill him without his "Op sKilL".
    Now guardian dies one hit, which greatly surpasses his HP. Perhaps with 4x HP he will die in two hits. Wow. Much OP.
  11. Purgerzg

    Purgerzg Active Author

    I said "it will be" (now not any 1h is , but any 2h is immortal),because on r220 you need 160k+ armor/resist to have 80% on inf4.
    With you suggestion only 1h SW will be able to play solo inf4, no way that boss will kill guardian who will have 300k+ HP with 80% block in 7-8 sec till next guardian is available

    And about singu argument if DK jump into SW he will freez him + 2x with FS hit him and all that with armor break on DK; and if DK activate dragon hide SW wiill just run around 8 sec. Ofc, I speak about normal game play not with using some programs or super smart play till game kill you ( and winner is who have more HP and better in item removing )
    DBS-Flamelurker likes this.
  12. .RakshaRanja.

    .RakshaRanja. Forum Pro

    Are you sure?


    That DK had 66k armor when he got that hit.
    Excuse me. Can you elaborate on how "1h SW with 80% block" will be able to solo inf4?
    With bosses having about 8 times more hp than now what do you expect from 1h (with block item) build?

    Do you want me to grow old before I finish one run on that "bonkers op" build?
    Before going to inf4 I'd have to buy a place in Elder Care cause that's when I'll end that run.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2019
    ΣMiwel likes this.
  13. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    Oh yes, armor break... Oh, I totally forgot about the fact that +186% (or something about that, don't kill me) is less than 85% (which is subtracted by the singu armor break).

    The point in the strategy suggested by me is that Rage Jump's buff fully compensates the armor break and still leaves some buff... in fact it could make up for two armor breaks.
    Then, if needed, one can use DH (even when stunned) and this way keep the SW out of his singu (or deal him enough damage to gain a significant advantage).
  14. Purgerzg

    Purgerzg Active Author

    Bosss can critic (rare),and no one can have 100% block rate
    I said "be able to play",didn't say it will last short/long,choose your game play like you want

    This is the reason it will be the best so any character enter pvp mode with any class he choose, it will close the door for any useless pvp discussions
  15. .RakshaRanja.

    .RakshaRanja. Forum Pro

    If "strat" is not effective then it's not "broken" (or at least not broken the way you think of broken [overpowered], it can be broken [not working properly]).
    This wasnt a crit. This is normal boss damage post r220.
  16. couda22

    couda22 Forum Commissioner

    It does not work that way. First of all, the Rage Jump's description is wrong. It adds flat armor/resistance value, level dependent. The value is 11885 for level 55.
    Suppose DK has armor value 15500 (70.78%).
    With Rage Jump buff: 27385 (80%).
    In the center of a singularity: 27385 * 0.15 = 4108 (39.09%)
    DBS-Flamelurker likes this.
  17. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    Then it has to be fixed, like the mage's skills were. We're not going to talk bugs, shall we?

    There's the poll. Vote, folks.
    It seems that most people who voted log in only to vote... it's sad, but welp.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2019
  18. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    I suggest for increase in the scaling or the summons to have dmg mitigation. Lets say wolves, wraith guardian have 50% dmg mitigated. then they wont need more hp. And im not mentioning Sms because he can throw em where he needs to and recollect them if needed, they dont have agro so their hp and uptime is up to the player.
  19. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    And, as said, the turrets inherit armor, res and block, and I think all but the tactical turret have hp way higher than tree, wolves or guardian.