20.000.000 poin pvp buy mount

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by fidan30, Jan 10, 2018.

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  1. fidan30

    fidan30 Forum Apprentice

  2. gastonp74

    gastonp74 Forum Apprentice

    Nice video! It's not common to see a 1H mage nowadays. By the way, is that the parallel world Arachna's 1 handed weapon?
    Maybe it's a silly question, but in the last fight (the 1vs1 duel againt the dwarf), how do you do that double teleport?
  3. Haniball

    Haniball Forum Apprentice

    Mage class has an ability "mind control" you can use any skill2 times after using the mind control. It's 1 second no cooldown
    Demon likes this.
  4. gastonp74

    gastonp74 Forum Apprentice

    Thanks for your answer Haniball. But if you see closely you'll see he uses "mind control" (on the turret?), teleport twice and after that he still have a free teleport.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2018
  5. Haniball

    Haniball Forum Apprentice

    If you teleport real fast in that 1 second you still have 1 teleport free. It depends how fast you move:)
  6. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    He MCed the dwarf...
  7. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    He used it on the midget ... which is also a bug.
    The devs know about this bug and never fixing it.
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