Suggestion Arabic

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by hossamzaid0011, Nov 17, 2016.

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  1. hossamzaid0011

    hossamzaid0011 Forum Greenhorn

    I'm sorry but I have a question you will add the Arabic language or not.
    jcdenton007 likes this.
  2. kingyahy6

    kingyahy6 Forum Greenhorn

    yeah, we need arabic language to... we need Communicate with each other in game :(
    jcdenton007 and hossamzaid0011 like this.
  3. لقاء.عابد

    لقاء.عابد Forum Greenhorn

    Yes, we most need to support the game of Arabic language and to communicate with each other. (Thank you)
    jcdenton007 likes this.
  4. diyar12371

    diyar12371 Forum Greenhorn

    y we need this pls
    jcdenton007 likes this.
  5. wail50

    wail50 Forum Greenhorn

    We want the Arabic language
    jcdenton007 likes this.
  6. jolliet

    jolliet Forum Greenhorn

    Hi DSO team ,thank for every thing ,please we need Arabic language to communicate with each other as some of Arab dose not understand English and we cannot to speak with him
    jcdenton007 likes this.
  7. elpreens

    elpreens Forum Greenhorn

    Yes, we need to support the game the Arabic language and communicate with each other. (thanks
    jcdenton007 likes this.
  8. salimdz39

    salimdz39 Forum Greenhorn

    We want the Arabic language plese ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
    jcdenton007 likes this.
  9. ojjjjo

    ojjjjo Forum Greenhorn

    Hi dso team we need Arabic language in these game soo bad . And we waiting for long time please make Arabic language hare
    jcdenton007 likes this.
  10. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Just a reminder
    Use English Language only.
    Respect our Forum Rules.

    jcdenton007 likes this.
  11. ceiro

    ceiro Forum Greenhorn

    Yes, we need to support the game the Arabic language and communicate with each other. (thanks
    jcdenton007 likes this.
  12. Al-kayef

    Al-kayef Forum Greenhorn

    We have things Many do not know about the game because of the language!!:(

    Yes, we need our game in Arabic
    We hope to also be one of support speaks Arabic
    jcdenton007 likes this.
  13. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Well I'm going to jump onboard as a non-Arabic speaking player and support this. One of this game's strengths over the years has been the diversity of the player community enabled by BP's translation team. In the past I have spent many enjoyable hours playing with groups without understanding the language used in group chat.

    Since the game was already translated once before for the now closed Arabic partner server it should not be a big deal to do that part again. The only hurdle left would be getting an Arabic support team and forum going.

    If Arabic was supported like many other languages perhaps some of those players might even wind up on Tegan :)

    Luck be with ye,
    jcdenton007 likes this.
  14. hossam0011

    hossam0011 Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you for all the support
    Supervisor Maine google translator to understand what English
    jcdenton007 likes this.
  15. jcdenton007

    jcdenton007 Forum Apprentice

    As a programmer myself, will just say this. It isn't terribly difficult to add in support for other languages but there are a lot of considerations to make so I hope someone from BP can respond to this thread.

    If a company offers any product/service in a certain country and are willing to be paid by their citizens then they absolutely must support the language they speak. That is one of the core rules of business.

    In the meantime, I'd actually ask the Arabic community to [EDIT]

    As for what to do right now? Use something like [EDIT] which fully supports every language on earth and character set. You can run it as an overlay on top of full-screen DSO to text or voice chat with your fellow gaming friends regardless of the language they speak. I actually have 2 Arabic friends who are also bilingual enough to speak English as well. I'm sure they wouldn't mind helping the cause.

    I've personally got the client version running a small chat overlay instead of the in-game text chat.
  16. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    1. You seem to be confusing two different things: that application in your link maybe has been only translated to few languages ... meaning translated GUI ... but they don't "fully support every language on Earth". Unless there are 8 languages in the world
    There is a difference between real time support ... which has to be present if some language is present in the game ... and only translated GUI.
    2. "Arab" is not an nationality or language bond to one or two countries.
    3. There are far more bigger communities that haven't got their own support.
    _Baragain_ and lol9696 like this.
  17. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    True that. Arabic is an official language in almost two dozen counties.
    If you mean gaming communities then you a probably correct. Most likely why the Bashir server got shut down to start with (either that or they were all F2Pers :D) But overall, depending on which source is used, Arabic is as high as #4 with the total number of people that speak it. Only Chinese, Spanish and English consistently rank higher. All of those languages have support in this game (Chinese, ofc, it's own server.)

    Of course, as always, it comes down to profit. If the market potential/cost overhead does not support the idea then it's not going to happen.

    Luck be with ye,
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2016
    trakilaki likes this.
  18. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I do support adding more languages in game ... including Arabic.
    Of course I am talking about communities in this game. Balkan's community is one example.

    Chinese are making almost 1/7 of the Earth's population ... but how much of them can afford to spend in game? Very few.
    If I were BP I would never shut Scandinavian support down.
    1. They are well suited and their countries are among world's countries with highest standard of living. The large portion of this game is based on Germanic mythology (Norse mythology) ... so it is natural to try luring those communities in the game.
    2. They have natural "chesty" blondes :D
  19. hossamzaid11

    hossamzaid11 Forum Greenhorn

    Did you know that the number of Arabs around 422 million people, and we're not one of the countries we are many countries, please. Emphasis added Arabic language
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2017
  20. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there heroes,

    We are not planning any language introduction soon.

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