Crafting skill

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Akageshi, Mar 13, 2018.

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  1. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    I have spent about 1,100 gold on blue -> purple crafting only today! I think it's a lot, considering it's worth more than 2 silver rewards from PW for which we need to farm like mad and wait for like 50 days for the season to end. I had 3 successful attempts which might even be considered lucky. It's already enough struggle farming the right items and having enough room for them in the bag -_-

    I understand what you and Traki are saying and I agree and am seriously worried. Well, your ideas on crafting are quite easy to mess with too. Take for example the cut prize. They can just make PW gold rewards lower or coin drop lower or whatever... Or if they let you have the 3rd ingredient back in case you revert the crafting attempt, they can just decrease the chance to get a good result. As DocWhisky said, the chance doesn't seem to be 100% random. There's probably some sort of algorithm that may be modifiable, so... But who knows. The fact that it seems or feels a certain way is not evidence :/ On top of that, as you mention it yourself after all, the devs can always make these nerfs look somewhat good.
  2. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    The cheaters figured it out. Looking at the youtube videos, it wasn't that difficult to bypass the random.

    Now this is not the correct way to do things (cheating), but having spent thousands of gold and months of time trying to get two gold lines onto exo, I understand why some chose to cheat.

    When they came up with the idea of crafting 2.0 the reason behind it was that most players were ignoring the crafting table. Which was 100% true.

    Instead of creating some incentive, they forced every single player to use the crafting table by making unique items all but worthless on their own.

    On top of forcing us to craft, they made it entirely too random.

    If their goal was to reduce the rage quit, they have failed miserably. Instead,what they did accomplish was create more incentive to become cheaters.
    Paavelsons likes this.
  3. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    Please delete this thread. TY.
  4. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

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