Suggestion Drakensang Online on Steam? Look how interesting.

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by Isley, Feb 2, 2019.

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What do you think of the idea of promoting the game on Steam?

  1. A good decision.

  2. A bad decision.

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Isley

    Isley Forum Apprentice

    Does the company plan to publish Drakensang Online on Steam?

    In my opinion it would be a great decision by an advertisement that will have a high percentage of attraction among players using Steam.
  2. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    it'll probably get some attention
    will it retain players though?

    Also it seems useless to suggest this seems the managers seem to want the game not to be advertised
  3. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Here is a previous discussion regarding Steam and DSO.
    trakilaki likes this.
  4. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    It would be good... except Steam lets its players rate a game and I think we all know that with DSO's community the rating will be... awful. xD
  5. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Not necessarily, there is utter trash on steam that got good rating because of people ironically liking it

    Don't trust steam users
  6. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    I think a lot of people who would >dislike< DSO, would do so not because DSO is a bad game or has bad graphics or so, but because these people are bitter and angry, and they are like that because they feel betrayed and robbed -whether it's justified or not, that's another issue-, because some new release has devalued something they worked for, or because something valuable was taken away from them, or because their class has been "nerfed", and so on. Or because they just got bored with the game, so they feel the need to spoil the fun for everyone else.
    In any case, they just want to see the game defeated.

    Look at some of the social network channels, where some people mock DSO, yelling "DEAD GAME" in their "comments". That's the kind of people who would immediately go on Steam and spit hate in the comments and give it *thumbs down*.

    I'm just wondering if there's enough of such bitter, angry people to destroy the game's rating.

    Only just recently I've seen this guy on the official DSO FB calling the game a "DEAD GAME", and another guy replied to it, saying
    "Dude you're buying and selling accounts EDIT",​
    and the first guy replied
    "Lol I've spent 8 years in the game so what's so bad about making some money on it?"
    Like... what the hell is this?
    Not only he openly hates the game, but he makes money on selling accounts? Which is btw not allowed.
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 7, 2019
  7. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Considering more players have rage quit in the past than are playing the game now... I gonna go with a, "oh yeah" :p
    Rhysingstar likes this.
  8. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    So you believe that DSO should simply go onto steam as is without addressing any of the issues that made players quit or become angry and bitter?

    As sure as I am that jumping onto steam would fix everything, it does beg a few questions.

    What about DSO inspires you to suggest the game to your friends?

    If they start the game, do you give the same advice as everyone else, that they should simply rush to level 55 and ignore every other part of the game before that point? I'm curious if that is one of the things that really makes DSO one of your favorite games.

    I believe that if you were to look back at some of the threads of the people who quit this game, you'll find that quite a few of them begged and pleaded for the dev's to fix some things or to not ruin what they had worked so hard for or to think about what they were doing before they did it.

    There are a few of us that were around before Tegan became a ghost town. Groups could be found with minimal effort, pvp matches were easy to get and about as balanced as it ever was. This was all before the constant whining about which class was OP in pvp or in pve. Updates were done regularly, events were common and some of them were even looked forward to. ;)

    The first mass exodus happened with R155. It wasn't because players weren't actively giving their opinions. It wasn't because players were not begging for the dev's to reconsider how they were approaching the update.

    Now I realize that it is far easier to simply lump all the unhappy and ex players into one nice neat pile than it is to think that maybe the developers created the situation by years of ignoring those players. However, I still have my doubts that more advertising without addressing the issues that make the players unhappy is going to ultimately bring this game back to where it once was.
    MikeyMetro likes this.
  9. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    Unfortunately I would not recommend DSO to anyone. The game has been my stupid guilty "pleasure", and I constantly regret all the hours invested in it.
    It has its pros, but they are not big or important. Some of the skill effects and some of the environments look nice. And I think that's about it. Yeah, and maybe the combat feels quite good, but not always, and it's repetitive.

    I started playing DSO just because I wanted a f2p mmorpg that my toaster pc could run. If I get a better pc, I'm immediately off to different games.

    However, advertising always helps. Even if you're selling a bad product.
  10. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    You and me both. Most days I barely find the desire to log on to do the daily quest.

    That is probably the main reason why this game doesn't allow other games to be mentioned ;)
  11. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Not really.
    That is a our team's decision. BP has no part in it.
