Announcement EN Community Forum Event - Help Renwood Ato and be the Easter hero

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Sunlight, Apr 11, 2017.

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  1. Danielius1999

    Danielius1999 Forum Greenhorn

    Carrots: 59
    Eggs: 340
    character name: Оквидус
    server: Grimmag
  2. JPDayz

    JPDayz Forum Apprentice

    Took me a while but here it is:

    Carrots number: 59
    Eggs number: 340
    Character name: Shieldish
    Server: Heredur
  3. powerflow

    powerflow Forum Apprentice

    Carrots number: 59
    Eggs number: 340
    Character name: Beutyshort
    Server: Heredur
  4. -ptr80-

    -ptr80- Someday Author

    carrots 59
    eggs 340
  5. Evilsheldock

    Evilsheldock Forum Apprentice

    Carrots number: 59
    Eggs number: 340
    Character name: Garsh
    Server: Heredur
  6. sjwing

    sjwing Forum Apprentice

    Carrots number: 59
    Eggs number: 338 (131 singles, 69 3 packs)
  7. rherick12

    rherick12 Forum Greenhorn

    59 carrots
    340 eggs

    Name: Arahdragon
    Server: Tegan
  8. semen470

    semen470 Padavan

    340 eggs and 59 carrots

    Name: Ultramagneticmc
    Server: Balor
  9. Mektanra

    Mektanra Forum Greenhorn

    Eggs--- 340
    Character -- Geepa
    Server-- Agathon
  10. devilfish

    devilfish Forum Greenhorn

    Carrots number: 59
    Eggs number: 339 (132 solo + 69*3)
    Character Devilfishgr
    Server: Grimmag
  11. Geema

    Geema Forum Apprentice

    Renwood Ato...I am here to help you!! Easter will be saved :p

    Carrots 59

    Eggs 340


  12. bLoodZ

    bLoodZ Someday Author

    Carrots number: 59
    Eggs number: 340
    Character: Aghiuţă
    Server: Heredur
  13. BigHink

    BigHink Forum Inhabitant

  14. CreeperS4

    CreeperS4 Someday Author

    Carrots number: 59
    Eggs number: 340
    Character name: Creepers4
    Server: Heredur
  15. SKyWiZ3R!

    SKyWiZ3R! Forum Greenhorn

    Happy Easter Guys ;):p:rolleyes::):cool::oops:
    Carrots number: 59
    Eggs number: 339
    Character name: Laghertaa
    Server: Agathon
  16. Hawkslayer

    Hawkslayer Junior Expert

    Happy Easter :)

    Carrots number: 59
    Eggs number: 340
    Character: Hawkslayer
    Server: Tegan
  17. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    Carrots number: 59
    Eggs: 340
    Character: Ziosalvo
    Server: Heredur
  18. Alex_Thor

    Alex_Thor Advanced

    Carrots: 59
    Eggs: 342
    Character name: Amifleur
    Server: Heredur
    Id: 105897709
  19. AmarWilrick

    AmarWilrick Forum Pro

    Carrots: 59
    Eggs: 399
    Name: Amarlord
    server: Werian
  20. perkovic15

    perkovic15 Forum Apprentice

    Eggs 339
    Carrots 59
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