Eternal Flame Guild

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by rangerd07, Jan 17, 2018.

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  1. rangerd07

    rangerd07 Forum Apprentice

    Hi my name is surshot, i currently run an guild that contains some game codes and what not in the guild news but when nothing is happening i will be putting quotes in from famous authors, political figures and other famous people and at times things from the bible, if this sort of thing is something that interests you, please feel free to look me up for recruitment A more formal recruitment will begin May 1st 2018 Thanks. Currently dk surstrong runs it. The server is agathon. The guild is not a traditional guild so keep that in mind when you approach me for recruitment thanks and like hemp says save gossip, slander, pettiness and drama for your mama.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2018
    hempthegreen likes this.
  2. Erebus

    Erebus User

    Hi @rangerd07, you might want to add which server are you in for fellow heroes to find you with ease, best of luck with your guild! ;)
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