Glyph Sale

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by FireFist14, Mar 22, 2018.

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  1. FireFist14

    FireFist14 Forum Greenhorn

    So what is this
    I want to give [EDIT] some of my money to buy glyhps and now I‘m waiting since 2 weeks
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 22, 2018
  2. Erebus

    Erebus User

    Hello @FireFist14, and welcome to the EN forums, please have a look at our forum rules before you dive deeper into this lovely turf, you can find a link to them in my signature.

    As per your concern, unfortunately we do not posses a strict schedule on when such sales are going to happen, you'll need to be a bit patient and check back daily to get your desired goods during the offer, best regards. ;)
  3. Jhinstalock

    Jhinstalock Active Author

    I'd like to give you a friendly tip that glyphs are very easy to obtain, especially over time. Later on in the game, the glyphs you have bought for money will seem like a drop in the ocean. If you instead buy gems, they will always be useful, and even very powerful early on.

    Gevilson likes this.
  4. Logischer007

    Logischer007 Forum Greenhorn

    yes I know but when I want to get higher block chance I have to upgrade my shield not ?
  5. UndergroundKiller

    UndergroundKiller Forum Expert

    You can make a team for q3 map1 only minibosses... If you (you and your team) are good, can make a lot of glyphs.
  6. Jhinstalock

    Jhinstalock Active Author

    Yes. My best recommendation is to find a green shield with the highest % Block Rate on this Item enchant as well as the highest base Block Rate. Upgrade that shield many levels because it's incredibly cheap. You will see what I mean if you compare it to Extraordinary and Legendary shields that you aren't able to level.
  7. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Well, if you are determined to waste andermant on glyphs, they're on sale now. I'm in agreement with the others here that if you spend ander on glyphs that you will regret it later.

    Just don't.
  8. Logischer007

    Logischer007 Forum Greenhorn

    thanks I wasted 5500000 andermant for glyhps


    and does someone know when andermant sale comes ? I want to buy 100000000000 andermant more so with sale i get 25000000000 andermant more
  9. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @Logischer007 ,

    Please, avoid posting two consecutive posts. This is considered spam. We don't have any information regarding sales. Most probably today, who knows? :p

    @FireFist14 , you can now purchase as much as you wish :)

    I'm closing this thread.
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