I need help with my "All connection attempts have failed"

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by Rigidu, Dec 23, 2017.

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  1. Rigidu

    Rigidu Forum Greenhorn

    I'm a new guy yet a fast learner, I just downloaded this game but I somehow can't get IN THE GAME yet. It always say "All connection attempts have failed" I tried restarting my pc and changed servers. It just won't work. I know you guys have this problem maybe you can help out a guy in need? Please guys I desperately need your help :)
  2. Be sure to check out the troubleshooting guide found here. Once you give these a try, check back and let us know if anything worked.
  3. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    You also say you "downloaded" the game which makes me thing that you are trying to play via the client. Try making sure your Java is up to date and playing via the browser. It sometimes works when the client fails.
  4. Rigidu

    Rigidu Forum Greenhorn

    I tried everything I can possibly do, I followed _Baragain_'s instruction like making sure my Java is up to date I did that already its up to date. Playing in the browser however is a no go for me, I clicked it many times it just won't respond.

    About the troubleshooting guide told by the moderator, I can't find my problem. I did all the things I can possibly do I still can't play the game. Please do help me in any way possible, I really like this game a lot.

    Is there any other solution for this problem?
  5. What happens when you click in the browser? Same thing, or a different error?
    When did this problem start? Did something happen around that time that could have caused this problem?

    Finally, what server do you usually play on? Try running a ping test to that address to see if your computer can even reach the server. To do this, open a command prompt and type "ping SERVER.drakensang.com" where you replace SERVER with the name of the server you play on.
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