Support MAC Client Technical Support

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by Biztart, Dec 7, 2013.

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  1. Michelllevo

    Michelllevo Forum Apprentice

    Thank you very much
  2. SloughFeg

    SloughFeg Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you very much for your support. Much appreciated!
  3. .Kravin.

    .Kravin. Forum Apprentice

    Will there be an announcement to notify us when the hot fix is done?
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Then you'd see a different kind of error that actually happens from time to time as it is. Say there is a new mount released and a player is riding through town on it. If you don't have the right resource files or you have corrupt resource files, you get a nebula error related to it's texture or it's mesh, or it's animation. If you had the previous version on purpose, encountering any of the new features would crash your game. Think about when new skills are added or old ones are changed, like with the recent changes to the SW ice missile. Their client thinks it should do one thing and your client thinks it should do another. Which one wins? Then there are errors like the "Command Protocols Do Not Match" error on log in, or how to handle changed in map geometry when grouped and different player have "different" maps, or think about the fact that BP would need to double their server storage capacity to store an extra set of data that they might otherwise be able to purge.

    With all the issues that would need to be addressed to even make a system like this feasible, I doubt that it could ever happen... and if BP did try, I can almost guarantee that it would come with it's own set of game breaking bugs and even exploits. Sure, all of these issues could be addressed with careful programming but experience tells me that the BigPoing team is not up to the task... not by a long shot.

    Long story short, this would cause more problems than it would fix.
    Sparrowedman likes this.
  5. David_Tactic

    David_Tactic Someday Author

    Yes i saw, and i'm really really happy with that, but ehm... am i allowed to ask what the compensation is?
  6. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there,

    We have no information about what the compensation is. Anyhow, it is currently planned to be booked on Release 176, so far as we know ;)

  7. David_Tactic

    David_Tactic Someday Author

    Oke, i thought that BP didn't know that i'm a Mac player. So i hoped i can get my compensation anyways but that isn't the reason.

  8. .Kravin.

    .Kravin. Forum Apprentice

    I still can't get it to work, is there a link to the iMac download?
  9. You mean like the one in the thread which is linked to in the opening post of this thread?
  10. Our QA dude just tested it using Sierra OS and it works fine. What OS version are you running, and what is your tested internet connection speed?
  11. Try this: uninstall the client, upgrade to Sierra, restart your Mac, re-install the client and launch it.
  12. Michelllevo

    Michelllevo Forum Apprentice

    When Mac users use shift our char gets stuck, still doesn't work with Sierra. Its anoying sometimes but theres an easy way to "unfreeze" by pressing shift again ^^ This problem has been here since i started playing
  13. Yogo

    Yogo Forum Great Master

    This is a shout to all Mac users out there. First let's look at the following thread:

    Now - I have been experiencing numerous game crashes especially while crafting many items one after another and when selling items. Firstly I thought it was Mac related issue only but recently my friends who use Windows machines noticed that the game crashes 'just like that' even while standing in town on on any given location. Have you had any problems with you DSO client recently?

    Here goes a fragment of my crash is always thread 26:

    Thread 26 Crashed:
    0 libfmodstudio.dylib 0x000000010ce74d15 0x10cdce000 + 683285
    1 libfmodstudio.dylib 0x000000010cec38f4 0x10cdce000 + 1005812
    2 libfmodstudio.dylib 0x000000010ce74c9b 0x10cdce000 + 683163
    3 libfmodstudio.dylib 0x000000010ce74ce6 0x10cdce000 + 683238
    4 libfmodstudio.dylib 0x000000010ce74ce6 0x10cdce000 + 683238
    5 libfmodstudio.dylib 0x000000010cec3c9b 0x10cdce000 + 1006747
    6 libfmodstudio.dylib 0x000000010ce96e71 0x10cdce000 + 822897
    7 libfmodstudio.dylib 0x000000010cea6e94 0x10cdce000 + 888468
    8 libfmodstudio.dylib 0x000000010cea74f9 0x10cdce000 + 890105
    9 libfmodstudio.dylib 0x000000010cea6b97 0x10cdce000 + 887703
    10 libfmodstudio.dylib 0x000000010cea76cb 0x10cdce000 + 890571
    11 libfmodstudio.dylib 0x000000010ce51383 0x10cdce000 + 537475
    12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff9a06b99d _pthread_body + 131
    13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff9a06b91a _pthread_start + 168
    14 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff9a069351 thread_start + 13

    Thread 26 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
    rax: 0x00007fe12a68dd38 rbx: 0x3f8000003f800000 rcx: 0x00007fe12db11628 rdx: 0x0000000000000000
    rdi: 0x3f8000003f800000 rsi: 0x00007fe12d4a9e08 rbp: 0x0000700002f99b10 rsp: 0x0000700002f99af0
    r8: 0x00007fe13081d300 r9: 0x00007fe147ff72c0 r10: 0xffffffffffffffff r11: 0x00007fe12df00000
    r12: 0x00007fe12a9de4e0 r13: 0x00007fe13081d2f8 r14: 0x0000700002f99af8 r15: 0x00007fe12d4a9e08
    rip: 0x000000010ce74d15 rfl: 0x0000000000010206 cr2: 0x00007fe12df3b000
    Logical CPU: 3
    Error Code: 0x00000000
    Trap Number: 13

    Any ideas ? suggestions?
  14. gun

    gun Forum Great Master

    Already reported it from since 164. That's the version when the mac starting to crash often.
    What we and/or they know is the crash not related to crafting, selling, melting or any player generated event.
    If you are in crowded city like Kingshill or Cardhun, most likely you would:
    - Crash when somebody else just spawn.
    - Crash when moving thus making somebody appear on the screen
    - Crash when stay still, and somebody else moving and appear on the screen

    I suggest you go to less crowded city or go to varholm if you going to craft.
    Yogo likes this.
  15. Yogo

    Yogo Forum Great Master

    Yes- it is true that in less crowded city or in Varholm the game doesn't crash at all ( well maybe twice in 3 months).
  16. Yes. The clue is in the "fmodstudio" part, I think. My DSO client often crashes soon after I enter the game. That is to say: I get a pop-up message saying "The DSO Client has encountered an error and needs to close" (or something similar). I drag the error box to the bottom of the screen and continue playing. But the game sound is stuck in a tight loop. "Fmodstudio" is the sound system for DSO.

    We were advised by the lead QA a couple of days ago that the sound techie was working furiously on fixing Fmod-related issues, so my guess is that all of this is related. I'll ask for more details once the team hits the office.
    gun and Yogo like this.
  17. gun

    gun Forum Great Master

    Do any of you get disconnect-reconnect every 1 minute?
    I've been experiencing this from 26th Nov.
    I was on El-Capitan, being suggested to upgrade to Sierra.. but problem still the same.
    I try other game and I can play it 1hour+ continuously without disconnection, so it's not my connection problem.

    Please take a look below video:

    0:19, 1:29, 2:40 it is very consistent every 1 minute.
  18. Hannai

    Hannai Someday Author

    I dc everytime I come back to atrium or gem or craft or just before I go to pick up boss drop! I don't play much now but Im f2p so who cares right! :D
  19. Yogo

    Yogo Forum Great Master

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