No more XpBlock?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by furqanxx, Jun 30, 2017.

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  1. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    The last time we had the Dragan event, I pushed things to the extreme. I soloed Dragan Excruciating with green essence and zero deaths. Everyone thought that I was insane to even try, but I did it anyway and I had more fun doing that than almost any other fight I've had in DSO since I started. I did the same with the Christmas event on fatal and soloed the entire map plus boss with no deaths. Or there was that time I did Sigrismarr and Herald of the Anderworld on fatal back to back with no deaths on the day of Q8's release.

    There are no end to challenges at level cap. In fact, the feats you can achieve are all the more impressive because no one can say "well, you are low level but at cap, things are harder," because you are already at cap. Many of the things I did back then were the first of their kind and rarely replicated.

    Unfortunately, I'm away from home and have been for an extended length of time and have crappy internet out here (think 280-320ms latency). Between my work and the crappy internet, my play time and play quality has been well below my standard level of insanity for over six months. Even the level cap came while I was away, so I've been fighting a losing battle to stay competitive in the new LVL 55 world. I look forward to getting home, finally dedicating a proper amount of time farming and improving my toon, and getting back to truly pushing things to the extreme.

    Here are some examples of what true Extreme PvE looks like.

  2. Redkiller12

    Redkiller12 Forum Great Master

    Why can't you understand that the devs were always against the exp block?What does mean "stole"?BigPoint never encouraged you to put money in order to play low-level.It was every twink's choice to stay low level and put money...
    And I will say this one more time.Your gems,glyphs will be there for you,so your money is not "stolen".

    The devs could just ban twinks' accounts for some time since they didn't follow the rules for a long time,instead they leave twinks free.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2017
    Hannai likes this.
  3. testera123

    testera123 Forum Greenhorn

    Well all you say is we farm hard and play hard . I have low lvl character that is over 2 and a half years old and i know wery well what means to farm extremely . I am uber strong but i dont do pvp and bully ppl around i just wanted to play at low lvl and enjoy events and other stuff. Personaly i dont care anymore about will it be or not XP block. What be will be. all i know that i didnt spend single cent in this game. everything has its time. anyway this game will shut down some day so bye bye lvl 55 and other subjects and discussions...
  4. stavro.cheliev1

    stavro.cheliev1 Forum Apprentice

    How you know it?
  5. patrick

    patrick Forum Greenhorn

    for some reason i can understand this but not all play (extreme) pvp, i also play with exp block if i can but i do it for trying to get a full set from events. with no exp block the low/mid lvl's are maybe 5 lvl's up before they complete the set so you will always have bad items unless you give money to buy Glyphs for upgrade them, idk. I hope bp will think on this problem also.
  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I have a twink level 13 for more than 4 years :)
    You know why kids are playing twinks? Because they can do to people what they normally can't do in real life :D
    You want challenge? A real challenge?
    Join the army and go to real battlefield ... I tell you you will get the adrenaline flowing so hard that you won't be able to listen anything else but your heartbeat. :) I am telling you from personal experience.
    Oh ... the game will shut down because there won't be twinks? :D :D :D :D :D
    Twinks are not big spenders as everyone is trying to depict them ... they are leeches and getting everything for free :)
    Whoever was paying for premium at low level ... will pay for it at level 55 again. Whoever was buying andermant at low level ... will buy again at level 55 at higher rate :)
    You can finally turn off your bots ... virtual machines ... multiple windows ... and play fair.

    I feel like i would share a FB post (not mine) :D

    Syzzer, Zulily19, Universeea and 2 others like this.
  7. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    That is what people who are pissed off about investing in something that is being rendered obsolete say to make themselves feel better about the fact that they have to adapt to something they don't like or leave.

    Sure, the game will end. No game lasts forever. Eventually things become unsustainable without significant creativity and money and I don't see this being the next (CENSORED)... you know that really big online game that has been around for over a decade? That said, I'm sure that the game will make it beyond LVL 55, despite Testera's pessimism.
    Zulily19 likes this.
  8. Hoplite

    Hoplite Forum Greenhorn

    Hello drakensang community.

    Having read the posts of this topic, I think that the main idea of the supporters of "stop xp block" is that it is going to do good in pvp.
    They say things like "bullying of other players in pvp" , "killing them with a shoot" etc.

    If a stronger player fight vs a much weaker is bad, this is a matter of discussion and has not been clarifyed yet, but lets assume that this is a really bad thing, following the opinion of many players.

    In this case fights between strong and weak players must be avoided, at all levels.
    That means that if a newbie of level 25 have combat points CV 10K is bad to fight a player of same level with CV 40K is bad as well as a newbie of level 50-55 with CV 50K to fight a 55 player with 200K.

    All the supporters of "stop xp block" according to the posts I read till now(please forgive me if I missed something) most of them of lv 55 can recognize easily the low level anomaly and anfair pvp matches saying that it is cancer for the dso, but no one complains about the bullying happening at levels 50+.
    Maybe you could answer that there is a difference:

    -A level 25 player is a 3 day newbie and a level 50 player is a 30 days newbie.
    So it is good for him not to be slaughtered the first 30 days but after then it is ok to do so for the next 300 days until he become a decent player.
    -Or you maybe say that this is the natural progress of the game, he will reach lvl 55, he will farm 1-2 years plus paying some money and he will become good(so after that is his turn to bullying the future newbies), but it is the same for low level, a newbie of low level can spend 1-2 years plus money to make a decent low level char and bullying the newbies of his whats the difference.

    If you agree that a weak vs strong pvp is bad and you call it "bullying" then is bad for all level without exceptions.

    So what is going to happen with r194, is it going to solve that problem?
    The answer is NO, and I explain.

    The stop of xp block does not affect the bullying in high(50-55) levels at all.
    It affects only low level but slightly.
    Slightly for many reasons, some of them:

    -strong low level can still play arena, the r194 stops mainly the events for them(progress could still be obtained with money)

    -someone can still spend 500-1000 euro and became a new level 5 arena killer, they did something for that? or you agree that slaughter newbies is acceptable if someone pays 500 euro or over a specific amount?

    -farming 1-2 years killing monsters 6 level lower (still gain no xp) can make strong low level char.

    So in my opinion there is no realistic reason for the supporters of "stop xp block" to be so happy for that new release. The main matter of anfair arena fights remains untouched for the highest levels and with a non significant change for the low levels.
    So the reasons why to be happy with the stop of xp block, have to do with other analysis that is not subject of this post.

    Ok if we agree that bullying is bad and r194 does not solve the problem, is there somehting BP can do to stop it? the answer in my opinion is yes(if they have the will and the ideas to do so)

    -a quick personal thought/suggestion - possible solution:

    The pvp fights can be calculated according to the CV of each player.

    Of course I mean the max CV that anyone had reach without essences

    For example a level 20 player with CV 10K can fight only with players 10K +-3K ,a level 55 player with CV 80K can fight only with players 80K +-20K
    a player with CV 200K can fight against players of level 200K +-40K and so on,
    the differnece of "+-" is indicative, it can be adjusted from PB to what is more realistic and fair.

    Problems of this solution? yes there are.
    Lack of players of similar CV may bring delays in finding a match.
    Possible solution for this: you would have the choice to select arena match with equal CV players or arena match with random players.
    I think all players(note 1) including neabies will enjoy the arena playing with equals but anyone has the choice to select random difficulty players like the system works right now.

    note 1: except dishonest 55lvl players that complaints about low level twinks but they like to do the same in an insignificant different way

    So in conclusion
    please DSO let the players to play the way they like most if they do it respecting your rules,
    if arena is the problem you know that the stop of xp block is not going to make a difference, especially to the highest levels that remain untouched.
    At the moment you give the right to a player to become as strong as he can afford either by his money or his spending time (at any level) and of course it is not against your rules. this is why is allowed(for example level 5 can obtain royal gems).If it is forbidden please someone to copy paste that rule, not just say is not allowed.

    To go it further, not only allow xp block but I like and agree with the idea of make it optional for everyone by cklicking a button
    If pvp is fair no one will get hurted.

    If DSO team you liked my comments and you want to discuss more about how this game will become more intresting and more profitable you can contact me,

    Good summer for all !!!
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2017
    stavro.cheliev1 likes this.
  9. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    Your post became invalid the moment you mentioned "CV".
    _Baragain_ and Gevilson like this.
  10. Fugnuts

    Fugnuts Forum Master

    On test server there are already few exploiters who found a way to not get XP even after this patch.If they enter with a higher rank in party, they go ahead, get themselves killed and stay dead untill the higher rank clears the map for them.Then they revive and loot.They get no xp like this.

    BP fix this please x).Make it so that you get xp even if you are dead.I expect a lot of exploiters to pop up after this patch 194 unless this is fixed.
  11. Unagiri

    Unagiri Someday Author

    I have often thought that it might be more fair to match players based first on level, then honor points/pvp title.

    Why has it 'not been clarified yet"? Just because twinks are trying to defend an indefensible position with mostly half-baked logic that is self-serving?

    The difference is clear.

    1) A level 55 who is OP in the arena is playing the game normally. He/She just doesn't have any more levels to move up.

    2) A low level who uses XP-BLocks is TRICKING the game PRECISELY SO that he/she can be OP in the arena against others who are playing the game normally.

    If you still don't see the VERY CLEAR difference, then consider a more fundamental question. Why are these low level so afraid of this removal of XP block since they can very well still pay their way to be OP when they're level 55. Or are you all very broke now? LOL.

    For example:

    Is this playing the game normally?


    I have played against many twinks while leveling up 3 different characters. It is irritating and frustrating for 2 reasons.

    1) It isn't fun to play because I know these twinks are playing UNFAIRLY, and are DISHONEST.

    2) When I actually DO WIN a match, I have been called 'pay-gamer' and other such names. This is insulting to me, and thanks to you <insert profanities> twinks, anyone who performs well at a low level match can potentially be called a twink (esp when you're wearing a costume and your opponents can't see if your items are all just pink exos or a mix of non-unique items). It is again, an UNFAIR name-calling when someone is NOT a twink and worked hard to achieve that level of gameplay through normal means. And this only happens because of twinks and people who use xp blocks.

    And in relation to my first point, I know they are 'pay-gamers' or twinks because they also usually wear a Touch of Heaven cloak or something similarly ridiculous for a low level player.

    So yes. Twinks and people who use xp-blockers are a disease in the game.

    As for your example of the 30-day old level 55 - I have only been a level 55 for about 30 days or a bit more. And I have had NO REASON to feel the same way while playing arena at level 55 - and I have earned 5 clovers = you can guess the approximate number of matches I have been in at level 55.


    I would love to see the system redesigned so that the game can somehow identify twinks/xp-block users, and then ONLY pair them up in pvp. Then they can whip themselves up into a frenzy by constantly trying to one-up other one-uppers.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2017
    MikeyMetro and Gevilson like this.
  12. edrogers58

    edrogers58 Regular

    Here are a few exploitations :
    1 Double Log ban yeah this still happens DSO has no control over it
    2 Double log/Hide groups this is so easy to spot if you open your eyes low level PVP guilds in groups go to group search none are found in groups
    3 Group Bug Exploitation of Leaderboards no punishment for the twinks they all got rewards
    4 Now this new update that already has bug use in it
    Until you can implement something properly so it can not be used to cheat why do it ?
    The developers annoy so many people that they leave and wonder why the servers are dead maybe try some common sense :)
  13. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    It has been suggested sooooooo many times but apparently it's too simple a fix for DSO. Block grouping more or less than 5 levels of a toon and all problems solved. No way to exploit xp block removal then, no way at all for any twinks to get anymore free anything from the game. Shorten the revive notice if you die on a map and if you don't respond within 30 secs it kicks you automatically back to urban area. Done. No dieing and farming then with no xp gain within your toon level group.
  14. Kohn_Hamper

    Kohn_Hamper Junior Expert

    How are people supposed to help new players who actually need help with the game? Not the smartest idea
  15. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    It's not called helping, you want to enable. There is a difference. If you want to "help" then make a new toon, level it up to match the new player and HELP them by showing them how to play at THEIR level. You still want to give your low level toon free stuff even with xp gain lol. That sadly will never change but don't call it helping because it is NOT.
    And btw, group restricting is the greatest idea ever as it stops players from ENABLING low levels. If they really want to play the game then they should play the whole game.
  16. Kohn_Hamper

    Kohn_Hamper Junior Expert

    So if a random level 22 is constantly dying from khalys and needs help completing the quest, I shouldnt be allowed to help them out?
    I see where you're coming from but the idea would just go against the game being an MMO
  17. arcull220

    arcull220 Forum Greenhorn

    return xp block guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys
  18. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    Sure return xp block lol. But then here's an idea. Let's say your lvl 20 twink has gear glyphed to lvl 40. How about then your twink gets pushed into the lvl 40 pvp bracket then? That lvl 10 KoTO with lvl 50 gear faces end game lvl players in PvP then....I'd be more than happy to agree to rescinding the exp block being taken away then. Match Pvp grouping with the level of your highest glyphed gear, even if a twink only has one piece of gear glyphed. It would add more players to the end game pvp pool and the arrrogance of twink bullies would fade away knowing their bully toons cannot compete in PvP until they maybe level up lol. But then the twinks would cry about that too not being aable to keep bullying others so let's see how the xp gain for all folds out. You'll eventually reach end game and then realize your gems are weak and need to get thousands and thousands of gem refiners to be able to compete at end game level while those who played the whole game have surpassed the twink in gem values long ago.
  19. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I love posts like this... they remind me of the bot-ban wave when everyone came out crying because they didn't like the idea of playing fair.
    Gevilson and Morinphen like this.
  20. KamikazocGR

    KamikazocGR Forum Greenhorn

    Still the damage is done all these players who have been farming for years without xp will remain at low levels and literaly bang us like they always did.I guess BP point was to make more money in order to make players buy from the shop like glyphs and gems...cos you could just do the same nothing was holding you back it was free for evveryone...but you couldn't just be patient and wait...and now we can't reach these players(the players that haven't been boosted!!!!)
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