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Discussion in 'General Archive' started by trakilaki, Jan 11, 2018.

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  1. couda22

    couda22 Forum Commissioner

    Please can anyone check if mechanic of Dragan mini event 4 has changed/has been adjusted? Thanks.
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    The time needed to clean the map is same ... the map is bigger now but the boss spawns where you finish the killing ... so you don't have to get back to the center.

  3. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Is the boss spawning location still constant or it spawns in the location where you kill the last mob?
  4. thouvou000

    thouvou000 Forum Expert

    the boss spawns where you finish the killing ... so you don't have to get back to the center. i think that say it all, my fellow player
  5. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Actually he is right ... I wasn't clear enough :)

    What I meant:
    starting from the travel stone and clearing the map to the end (the other upper end) the mini boss spawns at that place (red cross in the pic) ... you don't have to go back to the center (old spawning location).
    Whenever you kill him travel stone appears next to that location and you get to the start again (lower map start/end - travel stone)

    So it is the same.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  6. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    So the location is still constant, but it is in another place of the map
  7. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    So, really nothing has changed. With group, some start at beginning, and some start at end, and boss appears where you meet in the middle, kill boss, pass each other and pick up drops from other half of the party.

    Yes, it has changed. Now instead of one group getting to boss area first and passing it up, then racing back with everyone, the boss will appear where everyone will be. (This will most likely be at 3 o'clock, or at 2 o'clock in the "ring".)

    Nice change that benefits the players... when the players think about it correctly.
  8. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    No it has not.
    Are you serious?
    That tactic is for low level normal maps not for scaling maps.
    Because when you play low level maps you don't care about drops (if you get drop anyway) ... when playing cap level maps, especially in higher difficulty you actually check every corner and seek for the drop.
    Here is why that strategy is not helpful:
    1. That means you have to run in the other part of the map which was cleaned by the other group ... i prefer to pick up my drop from everywhere
    2. Even if you are not picking up the drop you are spending much more time because you have to:
    a) run from the center to the either end so you can reset the map (whether you return the same path you came to the center or you run in opposite direction)
    b) fastest way of resetting the map is using the Universal Map ... BUT ... by using the universal map you are ALWAYS starting from the travel stone. That means so much of the tactics since all players would be starting from same spot.
    c) Half the group can use the Universal map to reset the map and start from the travel stone ... the other half should enter Fortress Teganswall then run to the FBI entrance and enter FBI ... that takes too much time and maps loading. so it is not an option as well.​

    Best way to clear FBI in Fatal (in example) is when everyone is using the Universal map and start from the same point (starting travel stone) ... and clear the map in one direction ... from the beginning to the end. In same time you are killing the monsters and picking up the drop.
    However ... since when you kill the mini boss a new travel stone appears ... it is much more convenient and faster to use that travel stone instead of Universal map.

    So yes ... nothing is changed.
  9. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    Yes. Quite Sirius. ;)

    However, during the monster hunt, we (a whole group of more than one guild) used the split party method to great effectiveness to farm the keys we used on Khaylis to get the monster hunt progress. (I personally was able to generate 2500 gold during the Monster Hunt event.)

    Now, everyone can run together and wherever you kill the last mob, the location of the spawn boss is right there.

    This new map is a huge advantage to players.
  10. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    I think you mean Big Game Hunt , and map mini-bosses that drop keys for boss maps have preset locations, you don't get them on your last kill location.
  11. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    Your not following the conversation. We are only talking about the FBI map. It's the only one that changed.
    And yes, everyone knows I'm talking about the "Big Game Hunt". Most of us just refer to it as the monster hunt. Thus, your post is a useless as this post. :(
  12. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    If you say so... :rolleyes:


    Yes they've changed it:
    You now have to clear each sector of "fire sprites"(marked with red dots on map when you are in their vicinity), after that you get the message about the fire brute, so you gotta kill it before it reaches the "arboretum".
    So now they start moving only after you clear their respective sector of fire sprites, thus, you can kill them one at a time.
    Tho if you lose one, like I did because it was my first entry and didn't notice, you won't be able to open the chest since you need to get 5/5 kills for that auto quest.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 24, 2018
    couda22 likes this.
  13. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I forgot to answer your question ... but I have already updated in the Wild Forest at Night article.
    couda22 likes this.
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