Feedback Release 210

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Sunlight, Jun 12, 2018.

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  1. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    Well ok ue your op sets adn will still beat you. I have beaten the most Grand marchals in my server and most of the spamming q7 and q8 sets. Using broken things doesnt always mean you are op

    If you dont understand what im saying about EA dont write. I was specificall talking to @User330K so stop spamming the threads with false information and puting words into other people s mouths
  2. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    We should talk about pve only since r209 and 210 are about pve. Pvp is supposed to be 'balanced' in the future.
    But anyway, about your point that everyone uses 2h builds in pvp, yes, that's correct. The reason may be that with 1h build with blocking you don't get killed with 1 hit but 2 hits and you have no chance to kill. Only for DKs it makes sense to use shields.
  3. thouvou000

    thouvou000 Forum Expert

    You say that with shield the players die in 2 hits and with 2h build they die in 1 hit? Is this supposed to be a joke? That happens only if you are playing vs marshals and above and you are some noob with noob gear. Then yes, shield wont matter. But cube set rangers,mages,dwarves +dragan +2/3 or 3/3 spider set, dont die from 2 hits if they have identical gear and gems, only if they get armor break that is possible. As for that the shield makes sense only for dks, well i think you are like 1/1000 that say that, especially after r209 that made 1h builds in arena the best by far. Really now one after another your posts say the most ridiculus stuff
  4. bigfoot_pi

    bigfoot_pi Someday Author

    bug in regular hailstone-checkerboard graphic glitch:
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2018
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