Feedback Release 213/214

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Slabutul9, Nov 1, 2018.

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  1. glesia

    glesia Advanced

    now thats a pvp battle not this 1 hit 007 [EDIT]
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 3, 2018
  2. .maes.

    .maes. Someday Author

    Sorry but WE can't afford to switch gems/runes between PVE and PVP gear every time we need to PVP once BP puts an r213 price on it. Even current live server gem switching prices are unaffordable unless you just do pure PVP all week.

    We don't need separate PVP gear for the purpose of controlling base stats and tiers. It will already be accomplished by code on PVE gear. All they need to do is just:
    - scale down all tiers to tier0.
    - remove all set/item bonuses.
    - scale up all gear to max lvl regardless of player lvl and glyphs.
    - apply only 10-20% of effect of all gems/runes/enchants. Basically the goal is to fix the gap between player who just logged in and heavy pay2win to 10-20% difference in strength in PVP.
    Hetsunien likes this.
  3. Purgerzg

    Purgerzg Active Author

    1.They should fix server stability
    16.What changes is on mystic cubes?
    34.PVE- new maps/monsters, better graphic, overall (for me) it is better
    72.Prem/Delux is now more important
    274.PVP- you have 2 sets (1h/2h), and only matters Base value + Tier+ lvl, and that is it. Do not see point of endless discussion
  4. Slabutul9

    Slabutul9 Someday Author

    Sorry but in a RPG why someone who play much and also play should be almost equal with someone who play 10mins/day and never paid xD? Also pay2win is pretty much an escuse used by ppl with no experice, you can farm everything extremly easy

    I've saw it yesterday. Idk what to say about removing the tiers of the items for pvp. Imo official pvp shouldn't lose the connection with the pvp in open maps. Just locking tiers at 6 would be the best option for me, that way those who have a build done already wont have to remake anything and the build will also be good in open maps for example, that was all the fun for me in lv 45
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2018