Announcement Special 5th Anniversary Forum Event – Winners on the last page!

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Aug 8, 2016.

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  1. cgcidefix

    cgcidefix Someday Author

    Choco chips: 120
    ID: 102559805
    Character name: Ezekiël
    Server: Heredur
  2. MemphisD

    MemphisD Forum Greenhorn

    Choco chips:119
    ID: 108490267
    Character name:Sevennationarmy
  3. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Choco Chips: 120
    ID: 103043780
    Character: Dragonnns
    Server: Agathon
  4. Billal

    Billal Forum Greenhorn

    Chocolate chips: 120
    ID: 939597
    Character name: Billoni
    Server: Grimmag
  5. M.Obilić1389

    M.Obilić1389 Forum Greenhorn

    120 choco chips.
  6. mcandjc

    mcandjc Forum Greenhorn

    Chips: 120
    User ID: 104754826
    Character name: Gogitter
    Server: Agathon
  7. Ťıtănfāļļ

    Ťıtănfāļļ Forum Greenhorn

    Choco Chips : 119
    ID :101579938
    Character Name : Xxofalxx
    Server : Tegan
  8. adam.hurych

    adam.hurych Forum Greenhorn

    Choco chips: 120
    ID: 106228595
    server: Grimmag
    Character name: BeautyBeast
  9. razvan.canuta

    razvan.canuta Forum Greenhorn

    Choco chips : 89*2+29=207 (pls tell me i'm right)
    Character name: Bulletfromhell
    Server Heredur
  10. Anonymous505050

    Anonymous505050 Forum Greenhorn

    Choco chips: 120
    ID: 103698084
    Character name: Xxxxanonymousxxx
    Server: Werian
  11. bahaa123

    bahaa123 Forum Greenhorn

    Chocolate chips: 120
    ID: 109869838
    Character name: bahaa12346
    Server: Heredur
  12. milosprofi

    milosprofi Forum Apprentice

    Chocolate chips: 120
    ID: 101450686
    Character name: Desangele
    Server: Agathon
  13. Shannonn

    Shannonn Forum Greenhorn

    Choco chips: 120
    ID: 107514848
    Character name: Shannonn
    Server: Grimmag
  14. MANOJ

    MANOJ Forum Pro

    Chocolate chips: 120
    ID: 103209704
    Character name: Manjarrow
    Server: Agathon
  15. OptimusStorm

    OptimusStorm Forum Greenhorn

    119 Chocolate chips
    ID :108591183
    Name : Optimusstorm
    Server : Heredur
  16. Mr.Tank

    Mr.Tank Forum Greenhorn

    Chocolate chips: 120
    ID: 1081872
    Character name: Yachakjr
    Server: Heredur
  17. slaywar92

    slaywar92 Forum Greenhorn

    Choco Chips: 120, it's a little bit hard to count them ;)
    ID: 108408150
    Char Name: Slaywar2
    server: heredur
  18. CreeperS4

    CreeperS4 Someday Author

    Choco Chips: 120
    ID: 108551305
    Character: Creepers4
    Server: Heredur
  19. ImmortalDeath

    ImmortalDeath Junior Expert

    Choco Chips: 120
    Char name: Immortaldeath
    Server: Tegan

    Honestly I'm not sure if it's 119 or 120, but out of 5 counts, 3 yielded 120 and 2 yielded 119.

    Last edited: Aug 9, 2016
  20. Nova

    Nova Forum Greenhorn

    120 chocolate chips
    ID: 101188322
    Char name : Witcherknight
    Server : Balor
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