Support Translation Issues

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by teddy.bear, Mar 23, 2016.

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  1. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Without a verb, it isn't a complete sentence. If the goal is to imply some kind of an exclamation, then it should have a question mark and/or exclamation point. It could definitely be improved to better express whatever was intended.
  2. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    At... as in physically present. My major during my freshman year was Social Life 1971/2 :cool:. Most of it is still a bit hazy so being there is about all I can claim :D

    This is a good example of interpretation vs. an actual translation issue. NPC's, after all, are actors. What is being written for them is dialog not formal literature. There is no such thing as proper grammar when writing dialog for an actor.

    Luck be with ye,
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2016
    Morinphen likes this.
  3. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    You can have complete sentences without a verb. Of course, that would mean they're not independent (i.e. an exclamation like "What a shame!" needs something beforehand to refer to in order to make sense). Anyway, back to that line... that's what I said. It is an exclamation, but without an exclamation mark (error).
    Good point there. Like how they added words like "da" instead of "the" to Thabo during the last Invasion event (even though he has not spoken like that so far, so it seemed a bit weird to me).
  4. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    That was a bit odd to see him go "Rasta" or whatever he was supposed to be.


    The Warm Pelt quest is odd:


    I think it should be "newly-mined" rather than "new-mined". Also, "Iron" is misspelled in the Quests section:

    Last edited: Oct 1, 2017
    Morinphen likes this.
  5. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Not exactly a language issue, but here's how the Mind Control buff description reads (yes, it was pretty challenging to catch it in the 1-second frame xD, but I was curious and so this happened).

  6. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    I think "Heart" should be plural.


    Last edited: Oct 1, 2017
  7. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Went to see Sigri's new animation with R165 and noticed this on the door window to Hjalgrimur... should be "imprisoned".

  8. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    And should that be Norselanders as well?
  9. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    That too. LOL, can't believe I missed it xD.
  10. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    I'm not sure that the first sentence was intended to be repeated. If it was, then this is fine. However if it wasn't, it shouldn't be there


    And I think this should be mincemeat, not minced meat. While either could be correct, common colloquialism would use the first.


    And here are some more but not in any particular order.

    I believe it should be "Let's put our heads together..." Banging people typically has a different meaning.


    There is an extra space on the last line after the word "and"


    It should be "Used cannonball"


    I'm not sure what the last sentence is supposed to be. Perhaps something like "To use your words, let's...." ?


    I believe "Hoard" should be "Refuge"


    It should be a question mark after my character's name since he is asking a question:


    "their sinister plans" either needs to be attached to a sentence, or made into a sentence of some sort and properly capitalized:


    I believe saytrs should be capitalized or [sic] Cyclops should be lower case. Also, if they mean more than one Cyclops, it should be Cyclopes to be consistent with prior spellings.


    I believe that the last sentence should read "and kill the Foreman and all of his workers."


    I found these errors during the last Curse of the Black Knights event. These two were for the Daily Quest (I don't remember which day).

    "planed" should be "planned" as I don't think he was doing any woodwork or had anything to do with air travel.

    There should be a comma after my character's name. I don't think I am supposed to be the greenhorn. ;)

    I was browsing through the Compendium and found some lower-levels quests that I hadn't completed.

    In the top section "convert whole Duria" should be something more like "convert all of Duria" or "convert the whole of Duria".
    The last sentence has mixed tense. It should probably all be past tense: "Prince Aldred had been manipulated by her and he grew suspicious."

    In the Quests section, the third one should read "Find an Intercepted Letter from Aldred from an Inhuman Warrior". Or better yet, "Collect Aldred's Intercepted Letter from an Inhuman Warrior".

    "bare" should be "bear"....unless Prince Aldred was naked. And personally, I'd remove the last colon and make them two different sentences.

    "proofs" should be singular. They may make many offers but that is only to prove (once) that they are devoted. Well, unless this is referencing mathematical proofs...then it might be right but I don't think so. It is also a bit of a run-on sentence. I'd add some commas or semi-colons and/or change it into at least 3 or 4 sentences.

    The use of "ridded" is outdated and is rarely used. Changing that to "...are rid of false idols" would read better. The third sentence should read: "This pretend "first woman" is said..."
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2017
  11. ImmortalDeath

    ImmortalDeath Junior Expert

    We all already know that the voucher redemption/error messages come in German.
    and some NPCs and quests have some German in them.

    I found something weird today:
    A shaman (in English) respawned several times, and one of them was in part German:

  12. ImmortalDeath

    ImmortalDeath Junior Expert

    also this...
  13. GodChronos

    GodChronos Forum Expert

    1. "Only You...." Check That


    Isnt the "Robust Norseland Axe" Supposed to be an axe and not a mace?
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 27, 2016
  14. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count


    All 4 of the new bank expansions are like that. I can't be bothered to upload 4 pics of pretty much the same thing.
  15. GodChronos

    GodChronos Forum Expert

  16. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    One of my characters just leveled up to level 46 as a Ranger. As the list of changes popped up, one listed a "Heavy Arrow". I'm sitting there thinking that maybe there was something new with Rangers that I didn't know about. By the time I thought to get a screen shot, it had disappeared. When I looked at my skill bar, it appears that the "Heavy Arrow" is really the Explosive Arrow (assuming the image of the skill to be correct).
  17. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there heroes of Dracania,

    With this new content expansion, it is possible that there are some errors with translations and/or missing translations.

    If you find out anything related to that, please post here a print and your suggestion to fix it.
    Cheers and thank you for your awesome support! ;)
  18. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Ahh.. I was just coming here to add a few.

    This should be, "I doubt that they are capable of being emotionally attached..."

    This should read something like "Then let me teach you how a real man sews." or even "Then let me show you how a real man sews."

    You can read this after accepting the quest then clicking back on Soraya. The two sentences should match number of shelters and the accent mark in white should be an apostrophe.



    I don't know if this is the same item or not based on the text. One says White Rabbit. The other says Jade Rabbit. They both seem to be the same costume. The Jade Rabbit I can't add to the Collector's Bag.


    Last edited by moderator: Dec 8, 2017
  19. Jiruga

    Jiruga Forum Greenhorn

    Map : Resistance Command Center
    NPC : Alexander Campbell

    There's a typo error in the NPC dialog while talking to the NPC taking up his quest. As the last sentence of the dialog shows,

    Only you, {0:i:amount}, can repair and strengthen the seal.

    There's an attached screenshot at below for the bug. Thanks.

  20. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @Jiruga ,

    Thank you for your report. Sent to the responsible team ;)