We kill Dragan/Spider for YOU

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by St.Railgun, Jan 23, 2018.

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  1. St.Railgun

    St.Railgun Forum Greenhorn

    Greetings DSO-Adventurers,

    Dragan will start tomorrow and everyone is excited!
    You can´t kill Dragan/Spider on your own?
    Good news for you: Some strong friends and I can kill Dragan/Spider at any mode for you!
    What you should bring with:
    -Playing on Server Heredur
    -Having entries for Dragan/Spider
    PM us:
    (Watch out, NON-latin letters now)

    OR simply search in Group-Tab for "Dragan_Event_Starlight"

    See you and may the drops be with you!
    cdeepal and DocWhisky like this.
  2. DocWhisky

    DocWhisky Forum Mogul

    This is a very cool thing to do... it really help those who cant kill the bosses on their own, and have a hard time finding people to help. Thank you all for doing this.

    Thanks, Doc.
  3. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I'm sure that it is not solely out of the goodness of their hearts. They are going to enjoy free entries, meaning easy draken cores, uniques, and melt. And, if there is a community event like there has been in the past, they are getting kills towards that to help put them up at the top of that invisible leaderboard.

    Call me jaded, but while it helps other players, it is not altruism that is driving them. After all, when was the last time you saw a thread like this for a PW boss where the players who would be doing the carrying have to also pay fragments or passes on top of the resources for the kill.

    The truth is, with Dragan, farming the red pearls is a pain in the rear. They are looking to use weaker player's desires for higher tier uniques (that they couldn't hope to obtain while teamed with players of their own caliber) to get into these bosses for free (read "at the needy players expense"). Sure, it is symbiotic in nature because the weak player gets what they want (a carry) and the carry team gets what they want (a free pass), but this is anything but a fair trade since the noob is spending something hard to get while the rest of the team spends essence (which is easy/cheep to get). Or do you think the carry team is also going to spend some of their own precious red pearls to help the people looking for free stuff?

    You are free to disagree, but a Forum Greenhorn with only one post, who has been around long enough to make a strong toon capable of making the above offer, and the post is offering to help as long as the other person is paying, isn't someone who cares about helping the community. They are simply looking for another source of people to exploit for their gains during this event.
  4. thouvou000

    thouvou000 Forum Expert

    Precisely, and not only that but its 1 day after the other guy created a thread about it but that guy was clearly stating that he would do that for the Long Forgotten Dragon if it comes this time as well. So, yes there is no altruism in that whatsoever. However, like i said in that previous post too, its this games fault and noone else's that allows that. In the Big Game Hunt, they could not do that because the system was requiring everyone to farm the entries, but dragan is not like this. So, in my opinion if they want to bring the challenge back they have to find a way to not allow exploits like these.
    Everyone should strive themselves to achieve the reward and thats all there is to it. Lastly, i should mention that if you want to show how helpful and altruist you guys are, go and help players that are asking for help in the PWs because they cannot do it alone. However, i wonder how many of you would actually do it
  5. Eridiani

    Eridiani Forum Apprentice

    Well, well,i think that world chat will be full off with people who ask for team and help and also with helpers who offering help , like in every single event.So, these people above doesn't do anything wrong,and am sure that all who has the power to kill bosses will do same,just not at forums,but am sure that it will be changed in future,i bet that at next Dragan all will need to have pearl in group :)
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2018
  6. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    At least now the player spending the pearl can't get kicked out of the group. That was a really crummy thing to do to someone.
  7. BlueKnight

    BlueKnight Forum Apprentice

    I like how the "YOU" is capitalized when the motive is to use new players for free entries and summons so you can do all the stuff stated above by >Baragain and Thouvou000
  8. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    Well, I have mixed feelings about this, and this is one of the side-effects of the reworked entry mechanics..., here are my thoughts:

    With the previous system, and in my first Dragan event, we were all a bunch of noobs/newbies farming hard and struggling to kill Dragan because almost no strong player bothered, everyone farmed for themselves and very few high end chars were willing to help newbies or even think about farming with them. Although some desperate ones would "help you" get red pearls if you paid the statue's fee, which didn't guarantee they'd help you kill Dragan as well, so a similar kind of two-way "leeching" already existed back then. However, we all saw those YT vids were strong teams would share the fees and do the 4 statues+Dragan without much effort while the rest of us struggled.

    The new system made it harder and more time consuming to get red pearls, so instead of asking weaker players to pay statue's fees, they just ask for the pearl instead, but as I said, before you had no guarantee that helping with fees would also account for them taking you to Dragan, now they have to, and, well, aside from Draken cores and ocasional nice melts (extra uniques), the drops aren't so utterly amazing by themselves, and the top 50 killers enter a raffle, nothing is guaranteed. Then, newer/weaker players get to have a boost in their stats and possibly preserve their draken instead of having to purchase items, thus giving them the chance to save them for runes or other stuff.

    So I dunno, I'm 30/70 I guess, although some of the "helper's" intentions look shady, there isn't really a super game-breaking advantage to gain, unless I'm failing to see it, and some newbies and average players get to improve as well, so I don't really mind much.
    MikeyMetro likes this.
  9. DocWhisky

    DocWhisky Forum Mogul

    Oh, Make no mistake.... I am very aware of the "MOTIVATIONS" behind the OP/'s offer But let me quote , what I feel is the most important line o fyour post
    "that they couldn't hope to obtain while teamed with players of their own caliber"

    As someone who spent a lot of his time playing this game as one of those weaker players, this was something I had wished for more times then I can count. The strong players all stick together, always have, always will, and unless you know one...chances of you getting help is slim... very slim. As for those hard to come by red pearls, they would most likely end up taking space in the "weaker players" locker, (like mine do) or wasted on futile attempts at killing the bosses at higher tiers..So yes, its very symbiotic, each is using the other for what they want/need. and maybe next time event comes around... those that got "help" will be more willing to give help. maybe...

    I just said I think its cool for them to offer.... didnt say I wanted to nominate them for Sainthood... or even Knighthood... just think its cool.

    Thanks, Doc.
    cdeepal likes this.
  10. Maistas

    Maistas Forum Apprentice

    Well...in grimmag people with red pearls who are weak call themselves "donors" and are happy to help and get help like that. I'm sure those of you who played yesterday know, that there are lots of people who just lined up to do just that - donate red pearl and wait for drops. Of course this post was not even needed as you just need to glance at world chat and you have a "donor". I'd say cut this person some slack as in this world there is almost nothing done only out of goodness.
    DocWhisky likes this.
  11. BlueKnight

    BlueKnight Forum Apprentice

    Well yeah true, at least weak people can get free drops out of this.
  12. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Do you help getting those pearls as well?
    I am a weak player and can't clear the map and kill Headless Knight/Demon/Heredur/Sargon on my own ... so I am looking someone to help me. :)
    _Baragain_ and njobac like this.
  13. kavekanis

    kavekanis Forum Apprentice

    Oh come on, there's something wrong with this?. It is a commercial deal where the player who puts the pearls always wins more.We need to think about the investment of time and money that the so-called killers will surely have done?. For a player who has just arrived at 55, the opportunity to have the set at T6 is a miracle without investing time or money and hopefully it will have a great advance in the game.even buying pearls by anders will be very cheap if you are lucky and get the equipment and surely the killers will have made great investments in the game in time or money. the truth is that they sell very cheap and i have clear who is the smart player in this ... here the only one that really loses is big point and we will surely see that the next event each member of the group will need a pearl, it is easy just to put the pearls of progress x5 If I had just reached the 55th, I would hesitate to buy a few dozens of pearls to buy those we can call mercenaries: D to try to take the equipment to the T6 and only the t6 would accept to donate my pearl the killers only take advantage of a system for win a few more in stats that has put a capitalist system big point that soon we will see communist when everyone needs a pearl to enter :D
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2018
  14. Kingpin003

    Kingpin003 Someday Author

    People complaining about this are obviously the envious ones. Nobody is forced to give a pearl to someone else nor participate in such exchange. You're making a fuss out of nothing.
    DocWhisky likes this.
  15. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    I agree. I would be glad to join someone with my pearls if they help me to get the items and also I would be grateful to them :)
    DocWhisky likes this.
  16. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    You may recall a while back when you helped my recently leveled to 55 DK in Full Moon. That lucky drop of the T4 Blood Rune sword was a game changer for that toon. That same DK has 62 red pearls saved up and, yeah, I will be looking for stronger players to help with some infernal spider kills. So I can see both sides of this as well.

    That being said I feel the op in this thread is tacky at best. A simple offer to help would have sufficed. We still would have know what the motivation was but could have avoided the drama :rolleyes:

    Luck be with ye,
    EhtovK and DocWhisky like this.
  17. DocWhisky

    DocWhisky Forum Mogul

    Good luck finding anyone on Tegan willing to run you thru inf 1, 2 or 3... Tried inf 1 with a friend that is very strong.. got the crap kicked out of us... and no drop to boot. On Tegan you have to know someone.. friend of a friend or be in with the right crowd to get the kind of help your thinking of. The strong stick together in their private little cliques and cant be bothered with outsiders. (kind of like Test Server)
    Good luck getting help.... as for me.. my red pearls will most likely just end up in storage... again.

    Thanks, Doc.
    GoulishNightmares likes this.
  18. BlueKnight

    BlueKnight Forum Apprentice

    At time like these I wish tegan and Agathon were combined into one server or all the Tegan players went to Agathon
    GoulishNightmares likes this.
  19. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    Agreed, also, glad to hear that sword went kind of a long way for your DK, we'll eventually be running the spider as well, don't hesitate to ping me in game so that we can coordinate and get some runs done. :D
    MikeyMetro likes this.
  20. Fugnuts

    Fugnuts Forum Master

    He wasnt very strong then if he couldnt kill inf1 xD.

    Its a win-win situation this one.Those that kill for weaker players get draken cores, those weak ones get uniques.I dont see why people complain when other help the newbies either.Maybe they are not strong enough to do the killing for others and they complain when others can do it xD

    BP couldve made it so that everyone needed a red pearl to enter Dragan/Widow like it was in the past or like the new moon event (and that even is the most hated event of them all because of that right now xD) and fixed it.They didnt do it.Most likely they were expecting for ppl to go crazy with the infernal passages and buy a lot of them.They most likely nailed this one. I play on Balor and i did like 300+ kills on infernal 3 already.I can guess that on heredur ppl did over 1k already^^
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