Wisdom and Experience

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by KatScript, Dec 10, 2017.

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  1. KatScript

    KatScript Forum Greenhorn

    Ok so i am trying to figure out what are the best wisdom and experience points. Can someone help me i am level 35 rn. I am building my ranger attack speed and crit and i have 370-398dmg and 1.7 attack speed. HEEEELP :D!
  2. gun

    gun Forum Great Master

    To use leapfrog method on characters in the same account. Create such condition for 1 character to have more wisdom points, so the other character have the wisdom bonus. When the character lost it's wisdom bonus, play the other one. Hence repeating the process.

    - Avoid things that is only prolong you to kill monsters. Such as in group most likely there is a time when we wait for other members for doing things together. Or when soloing there is map that isn't efficient for getting experience as we move too often rather than killing the monsters more often.
    - For normal difficulty maps, monsters that are higher than our level give more experience points. Usually players keep on repeating to kill bosses such as Khalys, Herald, Sigrismarr & Gorga.
    - When you finish a Chapter, you able to do higher difficulty maps, such as painful that gives more experience points.
    - When you know you going to kill a lot of monsters let's say in 1 hour straight. You may want to use the 299 andermant experience buff.
    You may get a roadblock on level 41->45 and 45->50. But that's the way it is.
    Apart of methods that we know, I found that this game somewhat give faster level progress than other MMO.
  3. KatScript

    KatScript Forum Greenhorn

    was asking for experience points but that was helpful too thanks
  4. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    You want to use your Wisdom points to augment where you are weak. If you have low hit points, add to Vitality. If you have virtually no run speed, put them there. Without knowing where you're weakest, it is hard to answer definitively.
  5. KatScript

    KatScript Forum Greenhorn

    okay thank you!But what about experience poinst?
  6. gun

    gun Forum Great Master

    Ow you were asking what to do best with experience point? As to spend it for skills.

    For lvl 35 Ranger, Precision Shot is still the best to finish up group of monsters. Just need ways to keep the monsters marked. Other than Hunting Arrow, you can utilise Hunting Trap & Net.

    The combo to maintain would be:
    Gather around monsters->Mark them-> Precision Shot to all of them.

    Wait till level 44. You can utilise Thicket Of Thorns to dish out more damage to group of monsters.
    And level 45. Where you can use Explosive arrow. You able to finish up even stronger group of monsters.

    The combo to maintain would be:
    Gather around monsters->Thicket Of Thorns->Mark them->Explosive arrow to all of them.

    Check out Ranger in action in youtube to get better idea :)
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2017
  7. KatScript

    KatScript Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you so much :) !!!!!
    gun likes this.
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