Pet Activatation

Discussion in 'Help' started by A-R-K-Y, Mar 2, 2015.

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  1. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker


    Im reporting a bug with the pet since they fixed it a day or two ago.

    Even though the pet says it is activated, and when it is fed, we still get the HP etc, we are not getting the benefits of the actual pet.

    For instance, with the doombearer pet, my Hit Probability currently with windstorms and my setup should be 105%, however it is only 95%. Once i deactivate my pet (because it says its activated), then activate it again, this goes back to 105%.

    I have to do this when i log in, when i break light, when I get sunk, when i go to the raid...

    Again, I am still getting the benefits of the pet food while it shows active, but not getting the actual pet bonuses until i deactivate it and reactivate it.

    ID: 3188317
  2. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    Thank you for reporting this. This is a known issue and it is being worked on. As the issue has been forwarded to the developers, I will now close this thread.

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