Bug Enemy cannonballs not visible

Discussion in 'Help' started by Monster609, Oct 21, 2017.

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  1. Monster609

    Monster609 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello fellow pirates,

    I have noticed an issue that I very much suspect is a bug.

    The situation is such as the title suggests, that the enemy cannonballs are not visible to me. It does not matter if a player or an NPC is firing at me, another player or another NPC. The only cannonballs I can see, are my own.

    I'd be happy to provide further information that's needed to resolve this issue, just ask.

    Thank you for your time and effort!

    Regards, Monster609
  2. Beorn

    Beorn User

    Hello there

    Is it possible that you have activated "boost" option in your game?


    If that is not the case, please give me your ID and server, so I can forward this.
  3. Monster609

    Monster609 Forum Greenhorn

    Hey Beorn,

    Wow. That's exactly what I had done, thanks!

    How did you know? What does "Boost" do?

    Thanks again!

    Regards, Monster609
  4. Beorn

    Beorn User

    Boost deactivates most of unnecessary features in game. Such as volleys of everyone but those that concern you in particular.
    It is quite useful if you want your game to run smoothly when there is alot going on on your screen, such as teamfight, event admiral NPC, etc.
  5. -redak-

    -redak- Active Author

    As Beorn says, activate boost, whenever you are in a situation that would otherwise stall the game, such as shooting mega event admirals, the deactivate again afterwards.
  6. Monster609

    Monster609 Forum Greenhorn

    Oh okay, thank you both! Really helpful answers. :)
  7. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    As this has been answered fully.

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