Daily Quests: Vovoi Quests

Discussion in 'General FAQ's' started by Seren, Mar 16, 2018.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Daily Quests: Vovoi Quests

    Making a Mark

    Start At: Norton Maxwell (Map 1)



    Defeat 5 Tentakel

    Where to find!?

    Tentakel found in maps 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20


    End of Quest Line 1


    And so we reach the point where you must make your mark, proving you havewhat is required to become one of our number. Fighting like a fury to
    ensure that you prove yourself on the waves. To eventually take my place,
    stand strong and honor our cause. You have it in you, captain. I can sense


    End At: Norton Maxwell (Map 1)



    10 Vovoi Reputation

    Back in Black

    Start At: Teresa Jones (Sharkfang Bay)



    Kill 5 Brapiapoda
    Kill 5 Vilundara

    Where to find!?

    Brapiapoda found in maps 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20
    Vilundara found in maps 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20


    End of Quest Line 2


    Before your ego gets ahead of you, I feel you need to gain a greater statuswith our order. Only when you have the reputation amongst our fellowpirates will you be accepted into our ranks. But don’t mope about like aforlorn lover, get out there and do the job you were born for!

    End At: Teresa Jones (Sharkfang Bay)



    25 Vovoi Reputation

    Breaking Bad

    Start At: Elisa Bradford (Sharkfang Bay)



    Kill 5 Kelpie
    Defeat 5 Huntsman

    Where to find!?

    Kelpie found in maps 23/1, 23/2, 28/1 and 28/2
    Huntsman found in maps 26/1, 26/2, 27/1, 27/2, 28/1, 28/2, 29/1 and 30/1


    End of Quest Line 3


    I’d say you’re ready, but the Vovoi have rules and regulations concerning
    these things. Certain jobs that they want to see done a number of times to ensure you’re as good as you say you are. I know, I know, it is hardly like you have fluked your way to this point. But, to be honest, a bit of practice is very worthwhile.

    End At: Elisa Bradford (Sharkfang Bay)



    50 Vovoi Reputation

    Note: Daily quests reset everyday at noon (Local Server Time)
    You must complete the Quest Lines mentioned in order to unlock the daily quests.