Admiral cannons

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by blindluck, Nov 19, 2017.

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  1. blindluck

    blindluck Forum Pro

    Has it ever been suggested that they<admiral cannons> can be upgraded,
    it wouldnt hurt to try something with them,as i and many players have so many,650+
    Lostsail and abah2 like this.
  2. CrazyWulfy

    CrazyWulfy Junior Expert

    yes it has been already suggested, that an idea was to exchange admiral cannons, 60-pounders and other useless cannons should be able to be exchange for pearls or into a better cannon.
    Grand-mariner™ likes this.
  3. USSChallenger1

    USSChallenger1 Old Hand

    I don't really see where it would benefit anyone except those lower level players whose only choices of cannons are 50's, 55's and admirals and 60's unless they are lucky to win or earn them through events or bokors. I'm really thinking that if you need to seriously upgrade Admiral cannons then you should either start buying voodoo's doomhammers or the other newer cannons. I would venture to say that 80-90% of players don't even use these older and somewhat antique cannons from years past. The newer players already have a disadvantage of being either strapped on a serious cash flow or no credit cards and then to even be a serious player it would take months if njot years of daily playing to be in contention with the bigger and more advanced players. I say don't upgrade nothing.
  4. ᏕȊƝ⚡️ƁᎪᎠ

    ᏕȊƝ⚡️ƁᎪᎠ Junior Expert

    i think it should possible to uppgrade. from lvl 5 50 guns. to lvl 0 55, lvl 5 55 guns to lvl 0 60, and lvl 5 60, to storm lvl 0, lvl 5 storm to vodoo lvl 0
    vodoo lvl 5 to doom lvl 0.

    and we, the players who have played the game for a while dont need lower guns. would be cool if we could put our lower guns out on the marked. for bids.. what do you think???
    Bootstrap likes this.
  5. ᏕȊƝ⚡️ƁᎪᎠ

    ᏕȊƝ⚡️ƁᎪᎠ Junior Expert

    would be cool if we could uppgrade them to lvl 5 yes.. but we allready can uppgrade them to 60 guns.
    Bootstrap likes this.
  6. Ɗяєɗɗєɗ

    Ɗяєɗɗєɗ Padavan

    You can trade your admiral cannons into 60 pounders :)
  7. blindluck

    blindluck Forum Pro

    not sure i agree with u,,i use addies in scrolls using hollows,,they can start by upgrading the speed in which they shoot,so yes they can be upgraded and i dont mean to 60 pounders
  8. armagheddon82

    armagheddon82 Forum Apprentice

    addys are still best canons for scrolls, upgrade +1
    Lil`Wolf and Destruction like this.
  9. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    An upgrade that increase gold ammunition damage wouldn't go amiss! I am sure we can all agree that Admiral Cannons are the best for using with gold ammunition (Aside from Firestorms that actually do more DPS and have a higher crit rate but do not offer the EP/ELP benefits). Upgrading Admiral Cannons through to Level 5 with the increase per level being +2 Gold Ammunition Bonus per level would have very strong effects, but would also not be overpowered at all because they would not benefit in PvP situations.

    Currently Admiral Cannons give +5 Gold Ammunition Bonus, increasing Hollow from 20 > 25 Damage. Level 5 Admirals, by the upgrade statistics above, would deal + 15 Gold Ammunition, increasing the damage to 35.

    With some basic maths (nothing in-depth), a full set of 361 cannons, that would deal around 14k with hollows, would increase to almost 20k damage with hollows per shot.

    I would advise against any change to EP/ELP with the upgrades as this would push the botting community even further ahead of the legitimate players and result in too much grief!

  10. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

    They have +2 damage for gold ammo and +5 for elite ammo.
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