Ancient Uprising!

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Seren, Apr 30, 2018.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Ancient Uprising!

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Please leave any feedback in this discussion thread, for your thoughts and comments on the
    Ancient Uprising Event.

    Remember to stay within forum rules or you may find your forum privileges removed.

    Your Seafight Team
  2. rubenrs

    rubenrs Advanced

    Those payouts are insane! If these payouts are representative of future events the value of allready bought castles have been depressed massively. The same with these packs - 150 high level strong cannons in a pack to €70. This is new times indeed. Guess it's like always when the game evolves to keep it possible for new players to participate equally - all previous progress are just devalued to nearly nothing. Good for new players - but feels bad to have my relative progress reset in this massively.
    The*Defiant likes this.
  3. ~Aidan~1

    ~Aidan~1 Forum Greenhorn

    whats the payouts, if you dont mind me asking?
  4. rubenrs

    rubenrs Advanced

    3k pearls and 300 ammo for normal npc with 600k hp and 50% dodge. The small admiral gives no ammo but has slightly higher pearl/hp ratio. Don't know about big admiral, and obviously the admirals are really good for ranking points. But with these payouts everybody will do event as much as possible imposing fierce ranking competition.
  5. Kosova***

    Kosova*** Forum Inhabitant

    Why i can't see some of the event admirals when it appears?
  6. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    You can see the admiral spawns if they spawn in a map close to you.

    babenewport likes this.
  7. LogoRhea

    LogoRhea Someday Author

    I beg to differ, since, while the payout per event NPC seems very high (which is good), you have to be shooting a large amount of these NPCs if you want to earn any serious amount of pearls. I like to avoid losing sleep on such small events and put more energy on the bigger events. Pass.
  8. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum Ambassador

    Is there a way to get the Kraken ammo for this event? The Black Market is empty.
  9. ßOMßER

    ßOMßER Junior Expert

    yeah $$$$$
  10. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

  11. †★BoSS★†™[υиı]

    †★BoSS★†™[υиı] Forum Inhabitant

    this event is wayyy better than the previous one ... only wayyy shorter also :(
  12. TheReelDeal

    TheReelDeal Padavan

    Is there a code for this event?
  13. Rabbid

    Rabbid Forum Connoisseur

    Great event, just shoot flares and you make great profit off admirals. Just wish it was a bit longer event, lol. :)

    2018-05-01 06:07:56
    You received 124719 x Pearls.
    2018-05-01 06:43:15
    You received 198652 x Pearls.
  14. Lil`Wolf

    Lil`Wolf Junior Expert

    That's just awesome..big ships in little maps..otay sparky!
    Loki162 likes this.
  15. flafighter

    flafighter Regular

    I've noticed with this event and Chilling Brood, the admirals follow whoever hits the hardest. This usually takes them into a guild island. This is not fair. It's not only a disproportionate advantage to that guild and allies but makes pretty much impossible to complete certain quests and complete quest chains. Just shooting Drakir Zorns isn't really doing the event. It's more like a better version of a Behemoth map. Hope BP changes this mechanic.
    Pagan_Spirit likes this.
  16. Kosova***

    Kosova*** Forum Inhabitant

  17. Lil`Wolf

    Lil`Wolf Junior Expert

    Old news, last year..but maybe they'll listen to you...
  18. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    I don't know how personally anyone can complain about this event, the small NPCs are brilliant profit, the admirals are outstanding profit - and im talking about using Flares, not even the Event Ammo!

    I echo the comments of Rabbid, shame it isn't longer!

  19. kyloe

    kyloe Forum Master

    Agreed Arky, i have been using the junk ammo from chests, and the explosives i have accumulated from throwing mojos and have made a brilliant profit.
    Last edited: May 5, 2018
  20. Pagan_Spirit

    Pagan_Spirit Forum Inhabitant

    wait wat, which event.
    oh darn :(
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