Feedback Chilling Blood Event

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Back~For~Vengeance, Apr 11, 2017.

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  1. Back~For~Vengeance

    Back~For~Vengeance Forum Apprentice

    Today I have been playing this event and at first I thought it sounded fun.. Then during playing the event I have noticed it's a no profit gain event with a chance to win a design by doing quests and this disappointed me. I think the rewards should be updated to be better and include more gain for people playing the event.

    Stop being tight, it's an event afterall.
    Deathless-007 likes this.
  2. LeaKed

    LeaKed Forum Apprentice

    This is seafight afterall. The botters come out to make BP and that's what it's all about. If you haven't figured it out than to wonder you still play lol.
  3. Ɗяєɗɗєɗ

    Ɗяєɗɗєɗ Padavan

    I have been trying every possible way to make something of this so called event and i cannot make anything.

    Each time i kill an event egg or ship i'm loosing pearls i hope the developers have miss placed the decimal point in the wrong direction because this has to be the worse event i have ever seen on seafight.

    If you buy ammo from the market cove to shoot the event ships you still loose and best of all there is nothing worth spending the souls on, it's easter yet i see no old ship designs and nothing worth buying.

    worse event
  4. †★BoSS★†™[υиı]

    †★BoSS★†™[υиı] Forum Inhabitant

    yep ture m8 ...... if this would be e short event like those 3-4 days for the players who buy the ammo that is needed from payament would be okay ... but this is 17 days long and no profit ... what should we do for 17 days on this event i dont see nothing worth... exept the design MAYBE
  5. alektra

    alektra Junior Expert

    I agree wery bad event and long 17 day :mad::mad::mad:
  6. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

    Path of the beast event was perfect. Bring it back please and remember to put cheap explosive ammo in black market.
  7. I feel all these complaints are unwarranted, it's more about understanding the event and finding the way to profit off it. You can easily board the npcs for a chance at pearls and occasionally you get random pearl drops out of the eggs, I have absolutely no complaints about the event oncesoever. Plus you can get an easy 3 vc for essentially free if you are quick enough with the lvl 2 commander and the boarding command on one of the quests. Players complaining that bp is being stingy when they are just being greedy.
    (Also a hint, explosive ammo is good on the leather eggs especially with discount because you can easily replace used ammo if you get the pearl drop)
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2017
  8. Back~For~Vengeance

    Back~For~Vengeance Forum Apprentice

    The even is good now because rewards got enhanced/Made better after all the complaints. At the beginning they was none of that
  9. sponks

    sponks Regular

    I think this radiant souls are too hard to get honestly, i agree they should be hard but i mean 1 maximum 2 radiant souls for shooting the big npc? that is very small
  10. All the changes were very minor and bound to be changed anyways. Even before the npcs were occasionally paying pearls on caps while other times it was blank (ie changed to gold payout)

    It still paid pearls randomly on eggs so I still stand by my earlier remarks
  11. michaelwells

    michaelwells Forum Ambassador

    Imo, would rather see the Event a little bit simpler in design. More traditional, if you will. All of the extra procedures involved in the participation seem to mirror the Leveling-up Tests, and Quests, found in the higher maps. This is part of the reason why I have kept my boat at Level 20. Maybe there are others who feel the same . . . . .
  12. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

    This event is nice, but is a bit hard. I would give it a 7/10. It is profitable, is interesting and the rewards are interesting. Chests are also nice.

    Well you will have a hell of advantage in capturing and holding item events. Almost no one stays at 20.
  13. michaelwells

    michaelwells Forum Ambassador

    Lol, I hope you are right, S.H. :) I don't want to go off topic, so I will not say any more about it.
  14. =308Marksman=

    =308Marksman= Regular

    One thing I would like to see done on this and future events is to have the Admiral Event ship counter removed. I am seeing too many event ships (in this case the veiled warrior) that spawn the Admiral event ship(veiled guardian), being shot to a certain percentage then let float and being guarded until the count is almost high enough to spawn the Admiral ship.

    Then once the count is right the guarding players pop the floaters, there by controlling which maps the Admiral ship is spawned in and saving it for all their alliance buddies.
  15. As this event is now over

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