Losing Lionhearts again and again...

Discussion in 'Help' started by Bayleaf, Sep 9, 2017.

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  1. Bayleaf

    Bayleaf Forum Apprentice

    Why is it that if i lose internet for 10 seconds, rerfesh the page when its back and im kicked out of raid? It is one of the most dumbest features by bigpoint to date and ive played this game for 8 years. Im not sunk out, most of the time im just repairing, yet a 10 second dip on my internet and im kicked out for no bloody reason whatsoever. So can you tell me if this is an actual feature and is working correctly or if theyre planning on actually fixing this pile of crap. And if so seeing as you can only get 2 a day, can be refunded for ones ive had to reuse because of this rubbish setting. Absolute mick take i dont know why i even bother trying theres no point
  2. Corsair_Bill

    Corsair_Bill Forum Connoisseur

    The 10s delay in internet service acts like a sink, you were offline for 10s, so you got booted from raid . . it happens all the time . . hope this helps
  3. Has this answered your query?
  4. minigravey

    minigravey Advanced

    if your fast enough dont refresh, just open new window and log in, this will give you best chance of staying in map, if your not sunk or auto logged. this way it will log you out and you'll log in,
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