Name tag

Discussion in 'Help' started by -redak-, Dec 27, 2017.

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  1. -redak-

    -redak- Active Author

    You have been sunk by: , , .

    Impossible to pearl.. Why are these people not being banned already??

    How difficult can it be to code a script that autochecks the name handles of people every 24 h??
  2. WannaBeBest

    WannaBeBest Forum Apprentice

    Did you know that players have id which you can use to spy them if you did mean spying by saying 'impossible to pearl'. this game needs more players and u want people to get banned?
  3. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    Yes, WannaBeBest is right. @-redak- if you hold Alt on your keyboard and then click on a player it will put their ID in the chat box. This can then be used to spy the player. The ID will never changed and each account has its own ID.

    Alternatively, if you did not get a chance to get their ID this way, copy a sextion of their name from the logbook into the "Mateys" tab, and make sure you tick the box on the right. This will help you find the player.

    Even with legitimate names, sometimes you will need to spy the ID. This is often because the players has created an account and given it the exact same name, but on the dominant server in your mega server. For MS6 for example this is Germany 3 (283) which you can see because any guild created on the Mega Server is given the Server ID of 283, regardless of if it was an England 1 or Germany 4 player that created the guild. When spying by name it will check that server first so if you have a boat on that server with the same name as you, that will be spied instead of you, unless they spy your ID.
  4. Beorn

    Beorn User


    Redak, I recommend you to use Destruction's advice on how to find that Player's ID and after send ticket to our Support Team. As of right now that is the only way we can deal with empty (space) names.

    I hope that answers your query satisfactorily.

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