Quest issue can't contact support

Discussion in 'Help' started by thud, Dec 7, 2017.

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  1. thud

    thud Forum Apprentice

    The event quests have not awarded me gingerbread and pearls several times. I also have tried twice to enter the group map quest from the magnus halbert ship, it takes my ancient emblems, goes through the group que and when enough players have joine noyhing happens and I'm still in original map. I think I have been shorted 4-6 k in pearls and 50-75 gingerbread. Can you please check and rectify?

    Been trying 2 days to send this to support,, always get the message,"An error occured please try again later". Seems like Support needs Support!
  2. I will forward your quest problems.

    Your message is being received by support. The error message is a known issue. Please do not send multiple tickets, as this will slow down the response time. Please allow 2-3 days for a response.

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