quest items

Discussion in 'Help' started by crazy-diamond, Nov 10, 2018.

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  1. crazy-diamond

    crazy-diamond Junior Expert

    can anyone advise please, for ice map quests you need witches tomes and bunch of stuff, says found in cargo, well do they have to be picked up in a certain map? as ive picked up hundreds and not found a single item, or is there a glitch?
  2. *KRUCHY*

    *KRUCHY* Forum Duke

    Hey @crazy-diamond ,

    1. Make sure you have this quest active while picking up cargos
    2. If you have any diff quest active cancel it - just leave that cargo one going - there seems to be a problem with some quests eg. Gulls Mate from admiral revenge with can be taken only when you have that specific quest active and NOTHING else
  3. crazy-diamond

    crazy-diamond Junior Expert

    gotcha, will try that, cheers pal :)

    TEX~BULL User

    Thank you KRUNCHY.

  5. crazy-diamond

    crazy-diamond Junior Expert

    thanks kruchy, you are correct, sorted now

    TEX~BULL User

    As the OP's seems to be satisfied with the answer provided by their fellow player I will closed now:

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