question about league buffs

Discussion in 'Help' started by ×|๖ۣۜDeaGle|×, Sep 20, 2017.

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  1. ×|๖ۣۜDeaGle|×

    ×|๖ۣۜDeaGle|× Forum Apprentice

    Example:Say you are rank 25 in your current league and the season ends.You get 8 x your league buff.Does that mean that I get 8 cannon and 8 expansion slots forever?
    And also is it worth it to drop to lower leagues because it is easier to get a higher rank?
  2. -Dragonsabre-

    -Dragonsabre- Someday Author

    It means 8 days the buff, the number of slot is depend on the league itself. Lower league is much more easier to get higher rank.
    ×|๖ۣۜDeaGle|× likes this.
  3. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    As -Dragonsabre- says, the number is the amount of days you shall receive the buff.

    Each league buff gives different amounts bonuses.

    Jellyfish League Buff
    Elite Damage: 1000
    Weapon Slots: 5
    Expansion Slots: 5​

    Seahorse League Buff
    Elite Damage: 2000
    Weapon Slots: 10
    Expansion Slots: 10​

    Barracuda League Buff
    Elite Damage: 3000
    Weapon Slots: 15
    Expansion Slots: 15​

    Manta League Buff
    Elite Damage: 4000
    Weapon Slots: 20
    Expansion Slots: 20
    So although yes, it is easier to win, the value of the buff you shall receive is a lot lower than a higher league.

    ×|๖ۣۜDeaGle|× likes this.
  4. ×|๖ۣۜDeaGle|×

    ×|๖ۣۜDeaGle|× Forum Apprentice

    okay,thank you guys,you can close it now!
  5. Mac

    Mac Forum Mogul

    Please also be aware , if you are not already that these end rewards are given across ranking for all servers, not your specific server.

  6. *~Dman71~*

    *~Dman71~* Forum Apprentice

    one more thing if you change your league be sure to use all your coins or you will lose them
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