Removal of the bigger "Lucky Dragon" design?

Discussion in 'Help' started by Jecux, Feb 19, 2018.

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  1. Jecux

    Jecux Forum Apprentice

    Hello there.

    So today in Patchday Notes was the following line: "We will run a script to exchange the designs for all who has received the wrong design (labels_ShipDesigns_583)."

    What does this mean actually? I got two different designs from the Roaring Dragon NPC during this event: the smaller one and a bigger one. I suppose the smaller ship was the intended design which you also could get from the previous Chinese New Year events, and apparently people also got the bigger "Lucky Dragon" design which is called "labels_ShipDesigns_583".

    I'm still not sure did BP accidentally put that bigger design as a loot for the players to get and what is BP going to do now with that design. How do you exchange a wrong design when I got both of them? Is Bigpoint going to remove the whole design? The design works perfectly fine and only thing that is off in it is its current name.

    So if BP is going to remove it, please don't. Just change the design's name and everyone wins, that design is too awesome to be removed.

    - Jecux

    Pagan_Spirit and WannaBeBest like this.
  2. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    The small version is indeed the correct version and the version labelled "labels_ShipDesign_583" will be replaced by this via the Script.
    We have requested information on what happens if you already have the correct version and are awaiting a response.

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