Rhea and KRonos

Discussion in 'Help' started by krios1993, Aug 3, 2018.

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  1. krios1993

    krios1993 Active Author

    What is the spawn mechanism of Rhea and Kronos and how many of them spawn i have not seen a single spawn so far.
  2. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    The following excerpt has been taken from the
    Battle of the Titans Event FAQ:
    Has this answered your query?

  3. krios1993

    krios1993 Active Author

    Do we get a spawn message and how many of them spawn at once? I have not seen a single one till now
  4. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    One of each NPC spawns every hour. We have not been issued the information on whether they are announced to all maps, a radius, or if no announcement is shown.

    Do you have any further questions?

  5. Filipino4ever

    Filipino4ever Forum Apprentice

    I do have a further question. In the FAQ there is for a "certain" number of event ships the following statement: "as well as with Pearls when you have reached a certain amount of reputation points." It also goes for Reha, that's why I think my question fits here too. Can someone specify what is "certain"? I just wasted a hell of ammo an Reha with just getting few souls. Obvious my certain reputation points have been to little to get some pearls. What are the specific reputation values which qualify on what event npc - please?
  6. krios1993

    krios1993 Active Author

    Filipno i see that you are on my server(saw your boat earleir ) can you specify how you saw the spawn?
  7. UnKnw

    UnKnw Forum Greenhorn

    spawn is shown in the top middle of a seachart :p
  8. Filipino4ever

    Filipino4ever Forum Apprentice

    I didn't saw or found the spawn - on TS coors have been shared by someone who did stumble over the Reha...

    I hope someone will still specify whats a "certain amount". No idea why the have such cloudy announcement where they must have specific figures on hand. And than its fair and transparent if they tell it frankly.
  9. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    We have not been issued with this information, however, it will be one of the reputation categories as listed in the FAQ:

    Please also make sure you are shooting the correct ship for your Team.

  10. Filipino4ever

    Filipino4ever Forum Apprentice

    Dear Swift, I doubt someone needs a 4000 reputation points to earn from root or Reha? If Reha is not the 8kplus? That is a joke and cant be. Very few will get such much points in the entire event and without payback in ammo or pearls you couldn't do such HP monster twice...

    And of course we know what team we are on and what ship to shoot!!! (?)
  11. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    While I understand your frustration unfortunately I can not issue information that I do not have. I also am required to make sure you are shooting the correct team as that could be a potential reason as to why you received only souls.

    I encourage you to place your feedback on the event and features such as this in the
    Battle of the Titans Event Discussion thread.

    As the queries in this thread have been answered to the best ability that we can, this thread shall now be closed.

    Happy Sailing!

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