Valentine Ship Design Issue

Discussion in 'Help' started by wolfgangz, Feb 14, 2018.

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  1. wolfgangz

    wolfgangz Forum Apprentice

    I have posted the other day about this thought that issue is solved that either it's last hit or most damage. However, I have done 3 Juliet kills and 2 Romeo and on other cases done most of the damage since I've started most of the hps and until now I have not received the ship design. Can someone help me please?
  2. The rewards are random, wolfgangz. Some NPC's give out the skin, others do not. There is no available information as to what the percentage is.

    Has this answered your query?

  3. wolfgangz

    wolfgangz Forum Apprentice

    I see, so it's not guaranteed then. Maybe a little clarity on the event FAQs would help the newbies :). Thanks, please close.
  4. Depending on how much damage you cause against one of them, you are rewarded with Experience Points. By causing the last shot or most damage on either Romeo or Juliet you have also a small chance to receive the brand new Black Rose design. Additionally Romeo gives you a chance to get the Capulet design from last year and Juliet gives you the chance to get the Montague design from last year.

    In the The Valentine’s Day FAQ event we did stated there is a chance to get the design.

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