Visual settings within SF (not a browser argument)

Discussion in 'Help' started by kb_rembrandt, Jul 21, 2017.

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  1. kb_rembrandt

    kb_rembrandt Junior Expert

    I've researched the forums and found a few pieces of info but was hoping to get more.Last night was a reminder that when 150 boats are stacked against a NPC, my visual performance goes downhill. I've gone to my SF settings and Boost is not checked off but I'm wondering what other settings within SF itself would best be used. I use Chrome and IE and am proficient in setting those up well but I assume people have a best practice within SF. At one point last night I couldn't event lock on to the admiral with my mouse due to all the hit displays from the other ships. thanks!!
  2. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    If I was changing my Seafight Settings to help performance, I would set them up like this:

    However, even with them settings you may find you will have bad lag when around a lot of boats. This game is quite memory intensive, and until the SF Team finish their post-flash solution, this will likely always be the case unfortunately. I personally use the Maxthon Browser, as I find this the best browser to run Seafight on, however obviously other players disagree :)

  3. Has this resolved your issue?
  4. minigravey

    minigravey Advanced

    sf is a game made for I.E. , but lets be honest no one uses that trash browser. maxthon is a good clean browser plays the game nicely, but every once a while they do a update that turns it to trash ( open source ). firefox is by far the best for less lag but any time you open inventory,pets, etc.. you get a 10-15 second HARD lag,but if going close to 100 boat stacks is nice. try different browsers and always google the tricks for each browser. example in chrome you can set it up to use 1 process instead of 1 process for every item. these little adjustments will make noticable differances. personally i have 4 browsers i rotate and i never f5, i just open other browser log in, you'll lose less time ( so almost like f5ing while shooting a event or in a fight. ) this way you can refreash while shooting with 100 ships.
  5. kb_rembrandt

    kb_rembrandt Junior Expert

    Thanks folks!
  6. Deloops

    Deloops User

    As this has been resolved.

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